
50 Reputation

2 Badges

8 years, 71 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by dc539

I'm not sure if this is possible but I have a very accurate fraction, say something like 1,000 digits / 1,000 digits. What I'm wanting to do is effectively turn this into a fraction like 100 digits / 100 digits.

For example (on a much smaller scale) I have 151/11 and would like to turn this into 41/3 From 3 digits/2 digits to 2 digits/1 digits.

How would I do that?


I'm trying to use subs to substitute an unknown variable with a number in a Matrix

My Matrix is called values and I have the following

change := f2:

subs(change = 5, values):

This does nothing but when I have the following, it works as expected (All f2 in the Matrix values are replaced with 5)


I'm wondering if its trying to find and replace 'change'. If this is the case how can I get it to use whats assigned to the variable. (I've tried eval(change) but that doesn't work either)

Many thanks

I have a list of univariate polynomials

P:=[x^2-7*x+10, x^2, x^2+2*x+1]

How do I get the gcd of all of these?

It doesn't like it when I do the following:




In the same directory I have two Maple files. SignExpAlg.mw and RootBox.mw

In SignExpAlg.mw I have written several procedures which I am wanting to use in RootBox.mw

I have tried to do

    read "SignExpAlg.m"

at the top of RootBox but when I click !!! I get the error message: "Error, could not open 'SignExpAlg.m' for reading"

What am I doing wrong?


I'm trying to add a new element to an array to a position that doesn't exist (length+1). According to the Maple help sheet, automatic resizing should take care of this. Instead I'm getting the error 'Error, invalid left hand side in assignment'. I tried this in a new worksheet. This is the entire code


When I run this, it kicks that error and only returns 1,2,3,4,5

When I do this to a 2D array it seems to work which has confused me more!

Thanks for your help

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