
261 Reputation

8 Badges

21 years, 232 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by eclark

When transfering a particular worksheet from my home Windows 7 computer to an office Linux computer I lose some of the end of the worksheet, namely I lose a rather memory intensive animation at the end. And the office compute crashes when I attempt to run the animation. This seems strange since apparently the office computer (see below) is more powerful than my home computer.  When this happens there are apparently few if any other users of the office computer. I  would be grateful for suggestions for remedies for this problem or any ideas of what the problem could be.

Home computer: Windows 7 Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU@3.40GHz, 12 GB RAM 64-bit OS

Office computer: CentOS, Kernel Linux 2.6.32-573.12.1.l6.x86.64, Gnome 2.28.2, Memory 94.4GiB, 6 processors each an Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2643 v2@3.5BHz, Available Disk Space 1061.0 BiB

I uploaded this file to the Maple Cloud. One a 3d animation and one just a 3d plot. When I open the file in the Maple Cloud from my browser,  I cannot rotate either plot with the mouse. Is there a way to change the worksheets so rotation from the browser will be possible?

I uploaded a test document to my private space in Maple Cloud and I now want to delete it. How does one do that?  Also I just put it in the public space and want to delete it from there.

I have created several animated 3-d figures using Maple.  Exporting an animation as a gif file I find that with, for example, Quicktime, I can run the animation. However I cannot rotate the 3-d figures using Quicktime.  Is there some other way to make such animations available to people not having Maple, so they can rotate the figure as well as run the animation? I would appreciate any ideas about this.

I have been using Maple for many years and have created many Maple procedures for my own use in different projects. My usual practice is to place the procedures in a .txt file using WordPad or NotePad on my Windows machines. Then to load, for example, a file named C:\Users\Ed\Desktop\Top Quandles\Procedures.txt I use the command 

read("C:\\Users\\Ed\\Desktop\\Top Quandles\\Procedures.txt");
read("C:/Users/Ed/Desktop/Top Quandles/Procedures.txt");

Or I can leave the path off if the file is in the same folder as my worksheet.

This has always worked well for me. But have two questions:

1. Is there is a better way to save and load a bunch of procedures? Also I might mention that I frequently have to go into the file and change procedures or add new procedures, data, etc...

2. Recently I had occasion to send a worksheet and a txt file to a Mac user. We were not able to get the worksheet I sent him to read the .txt file on his Mac. Any suggestions on how to do that on a Mac? We tried putting them both in the same folder and just using a simple read("Procedures.txt"); command but the Mac didn't like that.

Any suggestions about either of these two issues would be appreciated.



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