
I have a degree in Mathematics and Physics from the Danish University Aarhus, comparable to a masters degree with thesis - majoring in Mathematics. In 1991-92 I was a visting scholar at UCLA, Los Angeles, following graduate courses in Applied Mathematics. Since 1992 I have been a teacher in a high school (gymnasium) in Denmark. Special interests: Applied mathematics, graphics and popularizing Mathematics.

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by erik10

Yes, that one is indeed even nicer. Easier to grasp when viewing the code. Thanks!


Wow is it that simple. Thanks! So I was on the right track. I guess that this is the most convenient way to do it then - with assigments put into an if condition. 



Your way is maybe the most proper way to do it (not using workarounds), although it is a bit lengthy. Sometimes one just needs to have the x-axis drawn at the right place in order not to get fooled by false zeros, when the x-axis is displayed at a certain constant non-zero y-value. Maplesoft should provide a more decent way to make this happen. In the current situation the user is supposed to choose a function by himself, so I need to have Maple display the graphs automatically in a way, which includes the x-axis. 

Again thank you to all of you for your contributions. 

@Preben Alsholm 

Thanks to you and Rouben.

Rouben: It works, but not especially pleasing to have to create a "fake" invisible point and then use display to glue those plots together.

Preben: Your suggestion is more simple and the additional plot on the x-axis is barely noticeable. 

I will use one of those if nothing else works. I guess there is no other way to access the y_min and y_max which Maple is using when plotting a function - before actually plotting? Some kind of range command ...

Also I wish it was possible to make a y-range halfway default by being able to write something like y=0..default. Or eventually make an option possible for inclusion of certain values. It could be a wish for Maple 2025 ;)

Thank you for your suggestions. 


Thanks a lot. Looks like it is what I am looking for!


Erik V.

Thanks to all of you. I like the single line function definition, which is simple and seems to work. It also seems to work for special French and German letters: 

LEN("éâü") = 3


Erik V.

@TechnicalSupport  Thanks for looking into this. I am asking on behalf of another Colleague. We will try your suggestions to restart and creating new documents. If it still happens will it eventually help to completely uninstall Maple with all its components in order to install Maple again from scratch? We are puzzled about the origin of this issue. We have only noticed it once. Since the student is going for exams later this spring, she need to have Maple working properly - hopefully not necessary to rent another computer ...


Thanks to all of you. I see, that adding a semi colon does indeed make it work, or right-clicking and choosing Convert > 1D Math input, as mentioned by Preben. I do however need to have it fixed for the student. It is not just one document, but all documents she is creating. 

The student as well as myself are using Windows 10, and we both have the latest version of Maple, Maple2022.2. We are using Document Mode, and that won't change. Our school has been using Maple with success for 14 years until now! 

When I open this Error file in Maple and right away create a new document, apply a square root from the Expression Palette, I also receive an error. That is really crazy in my view. A bad file is opened and it 'transmits it its infection' to every new document I may create!! But only when the bad file is opened. I don't get it. Maybe I should ask Maple support ...


@Rouben Rostamian  Thanks a lot! I appreciate your work!


@Rouben Rostamian  Great! Just as I wanted it. I don't know about Python, but I assume you are calling the Python Package to be able to do something more simple, than would be the case in Maple itself, right?

I might later want a procedure, which can turn every letter in a Matrix into Capital letters as well as a procedure turning every letter in a Matrix into lowercase letters. Is that easy to do in Python? (And stay with symbols in order to avoid quotes)


@Rouben Rostamian  Thank you. I appreciate it! I have testet your procedure and it works. What I would like, though, is having the Matrix creation done outside of the procedure. The problem is, that your script won't be able to automatically detect the size of the Matrix needed in order to display the entire Matrix. Here is my requirements: 

The user should specify the number of columns towards the top of the document, for example columns:=20. A procedure like your Do_Danish should give as output a list of symbols representing the original text stripped for all symbols and spaces except for the letters a-z, æ, ø, å AND the corresponding capital letters A-Z, Æ, Ø, Å. When that is done, the length of the list can be determined in order to calculate how many rows (variable named rows) are needed to display the 'strippedlist' as a matrix. Since Maple doesn't display an entire big Matrix by default, it will also be necessary to call the interface command to set it properly. I am thinking of something like:

textlength := Length(strippedlist);
rows := iquo(textlength, columns);
interface(rtablesize = max(rows, columns));

Then later use the following command to display the Matrix:

Matrix(rows + 1, columns, strippedlist)

I hope that makes sense? 

Thanks! I learned a few tricks from both of you. I prefer a Matrix containing the letters without quotes, because the quotes are too distracting to look at. I liked the commands iquo and irem and Explode, which I didn't know about. 

N doesn't need to be a multiplum of n, så in the last row there will often be some "empty" entrances. I don't know at the moment if I want displayed empty strings or zeros there. 

By the way: When using the 26 English letters the command IsLower works perfectly, but how do I handle it when I am dealing with the Danish Alphabet containing the three additional letters æ, ø and å at the end - summing up to 29 possible letters? 


@acer OK thanks a lot. Can you explain what makes it work more smoothly compared to the previous version? I like the wider slider bar! 

Sometimes I have wondered why it requires so much empty (white) space to the side, when using the Explore command. I wish there were ways to control it better ...

Erik V.

@acer Wow, and thanks for your reply. I was about to answer your first question when I realised you changed it. For a fixed value of T I would use the command shadebetween, but did not know how to make it work with a slider (Explore command). I did not expect it to be possible to add the rainbow colors. Your first option display the true colors from violet to red. I actually like that the y-axis is scaled when changing the T value. The y-values (intensities) are increasing quite a lot with temperature ...

I will have a more detailed look at code soon ...

For now thanks a lot!!

Erik V.

@Anthrazit I agree. An output of Maple should be readable for a person not using maple. An obvious choice could be pdf! Unfortunately it does not work very well. Not only are sizes of the graphs exaggerated in comparison to the text & math, line drawings, etc. on graphs are even completely removed from the image. Because of this, students may miss grades! 

Try to export the attached Maple file to pdf! The student have made a lot of effort into creating a figure in her paper. It just disappeared in her output. Why!


Tegn trekant ABC i et koordinatsystem, og tegn trekantens 3 medianer.




plot([-2, 4, 4], [1, 3, -1], style = point, gridlines)







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