
I have a degree in Mathematics and Physics from the Danish University Aarhus, comparable to a masters degree with thesis - majoring in Mathematics. In 1991-92 I was a visting scholar at UCLA, Los Angeles, following graduate courses in Applied Mathematics. Since 1992 I have been a teacher in a high school (gymnasium) in Denmark. Special interests: Applied mathematics, graphics and popularizing Mathematics.

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by erik10

@tomleslie Thank you so much for your thorough explanation. It really helped clarify the comments in the help file. There seems to be a lot of possibilities here, indeed. What is lacking though is a way to scale the plot. The size option for ordinary plots doesn't work here ... so I need to do the scaling by dragging the plot, unfortunately 



@Kitonum I will go with the latter way, thanks! In the beginning I was confused about how the differential operator D works: D[1,2] means one time differentiation with respect to the first variable followed by one time differentiation with respect to the second variable, NOT one time differention with respect to the first variable and two times differentiation with respect to the second variable, as 2 could indicate. Not the most intuitive way, but now I understand ... 


@Carl Love Yes I copied your code including the space, then replaced the word "Slope" with the same word in Danish. It contains a non-english letter: æ. That was the issue. When using that letter, the space between the word and the number disappeared, when using the slider. If I replaced this special letter with say an e, then the space appeared again. I thought, that when using the backquotes, one could write whatever inbetween. I mean it is a caption only. Apparently this is not the case. If I wrote a colon in the text between the backquotes, and error even ocurred. 


I tried both of your solutions and they work! Regarding Carl's solution I noticed one strange thing, though: If I changed the word 'Slope' to the same word in my own language, the space between the text and the number disappeared. The translation of the word does contain a non-english letter. I assume Maple has a bug here. Kitonum's solution was not sensitive to this detail, by the way. 

Thanks a lot for both answers. Mapleprimes seems always to provide qualified solutions from the member community!

Regards, Erik

@erik10 I have tested Maple 2017.1 Release Candidate. I am happy to see that several of the issues mentioned above have been resolved. It doesn't mean that things are perfectly scalable on pdf, but very important steps indeed. Plots and images are displayed better and the Help menu isn't as cluttered as earlier. The dialogs still show "shortened text", but this is probably a Java issue, I assume. Hopefully it will be resolved in the Fall, as mentioned by Karen. Thanks a lot for listening to users ...



@Karen What you tell sounds very good, indeed. Thank you very much!



@Kitonum Thank you for your suggestions. I could combine it into one line, right. Your second suggestion is working, but what I need is a way to insert values of x without having to use the eval command. What is needed is a way to make Maple produce the Taylor-polynomial before inserting a value. Maybe I am just remembering wrong? I have earlier learned about using hyphens at Mapleprimes ...


@DSkoog I just installed the new release of Maple 2017.0. I tested the new look of MapleCloud on my small high resolution screen. It may be a good idea to have many items in connection to MapleCloud collected in one place, but most of those items are listed with a way too small text size. I compared it to text displayed on my Stationary computer with HD resolution on a 24 inch screen. If I chose fontsize 5 it resembles the text size I encountered on my Yoga computer. Below I have attached a screen image with a measure attached so you get an idea. Fortunately "Save to Cloud" is the good old one, which is readable. Without it, I could not use MapleCloud anymore which would be a severe step back. I will continue to test other aspects of MapleCloud, and get back to you.

There is definitely still a lot of work to be done regarding this small screen/high resolution issue. I am delighted to hear, though, that improvements will be released in coming updates of Maple 2017. It is indeed needed!





@Ronan Thank you for your suggestion. I actually noticed this page a few days ago when surfing the Internet for the issue. The description on the site is pretty easy to follow. To test it I made the changes in the Register, downloaded the manifest.txt file and placed it unchanged in the same folder as the maplew.exe file, then renamed it to maplew.exe.manifest. Then I restarted my computer. It didn't seem to have any effect.  

Even if it worked, it wouldn't help our school. You cannot tell 500 students, among whom quite a few of them know very little about computers in general, to mess with the register, etc. We have many MacIntosh users too. I can understand though that those Adobe Photoshop users were delighted realizing they could use their software again (most of them). I guess the only way is Maplesoft comming up with a robust solution to this resolution issue. 



@DSkoog I am delighted to hear, what you say: that the ultimate goal will be to make everything (plots, images, text, math, components, etc.) scale to zoom level. I already did suspect that accomplishing all this will require Maplesoft to do a lot of reworking. Anyway I hope Maplesoft will decide to put resources into accomplishing this task, because the future need it when documents are supposed to be shared on different platforms, not to mention printing/exporting to pdf (which have grave scalable issues at the moment). The more years Maplesoft will push these problems ahead of them while doing nothing, I guess problems will pile up. Besides Maplesoft needs to do a lot of workarounds at the present state, I assume. Thank for being honest about it and not just sweep things under the carpet.





Thanks for taking this seriously, Daniel! Not just is it the factory setting (200%), it is also the recommended magnification, as shown on my screen image below (displayed in Danish though):


I tested other software installed on my computer. Generally they handle this setting fine. Microsoft to perfection. I only noticed one program (Geogebra) having shortenings in the dialogs. Finally I tried setting text zoom to 100%. The text became so tiny, that it was hardly readable - certainly for people my age. I conclude 200% is the best choice. I almost don't dare to tell that some computers out there go 4K. A 15.6 laptop displaying 3840 x 2160 pixels :) It is really moving fast ...

One question: Wouldn't it be possible to let plots and images display proportionally in a Maple Document on opening it? If so a lot of trouble would disappear when sharing documents!

Again thanks a lot for the reply. I am delighted that Maplesoft is looking into this important issue!




@acer Thank you for your comments. I really appreciate it! I am still learning :) 

I am in fact a mathematician and teacher from Denmark. I am not aware of any of my students or other students from Denmark whatsoever having contacted Mapleprimes. No surpise it has happened, though. Actually I think I would advice my students against asking, because most of their questions will probably be of the very simple kind, maybe even confusing the users of Mapleprimes? Maybe a specific 'Student Forum' for Maple users could be useful? I don't know. Certainly there are special Danish characters, but they don't play any big role in problems related to Maple to my knowledge. We try our best to guide our students, when they use Maple. I just hope Maplesoft will make easy tasks easy ...



@acer Actually inserting images is quite simple as it should be: Just copy/pasting an image into the Maple document using Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V (Windows), so no big thing here. Simple things need to be simple! We use it quite often: The students copy/paste a screen image from a pdf document containing the exercises into Maple. That way the students have the exercises in the same documents as their Maple solutions. Original big images are reduced to small images when viewed on a computer with a big resolution. I don't understand why you apparently don't you see the need for greater similarity across platforms and computers resolutions? 

NB! I noticed one more problem with your recent suggestion: Although the plot was displayed to 40%, the numbers on the axes were almost too tiny to view! 

I am requesting a much more robust GUI. 



@acer Thanks for the valuable input. I didn't know about the possibility of displaying plots proportionally. I tested it and you are right: The document does indeed display plots with a width of 40% - and what is important: It does so when opening the document, no need for reexecution. 

Still it is not enough for the dayly workflow to be sufficient smooth. It requires the user to call the package plots and add the command you mention. Since we recommend our students to place a restart command at the beginning of every new exercise (to avoid interference between exercises), there will be additional work to do, probably leaving the less clever students behind. I am not sure if it will even be sufficient to make it possible to globally set the proportional factor, because you might have plots you want to display at different percentages in the same document ...

What about images, by the way?




Absolutely great! I didn't think about the possibility of defining a function, which has a plot as the value. It makes it possible to use the Explore command for this situation too. The code also seems more straight-forward. At the same time I can avoid the oldfashined animate command, which need to generate frames before execution ...


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