
140 Reputation

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17 years, 316 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are Posts that have been published by fredl82

Hello everbody,

I will try to explain the problem from my previous blog in more detail:

The Problem I posted is part of an inventory optimization problem. There are n bases(warhouses) for which I wish to determine the stock level in such a way, that I meet a so called target fill rate. The fill rate is the percentage of demands that can be met at the time they are placed. The formula for the fill rate for base n given an Inventory Level S is the following:

tfrbase[n,S] := sum(basepipe[n]^j*evalf(exp(-basepipe[n]))/factorial(j), j = 0 .. S)

The variable basepipe[n] indicates the stock in the pipeline which consists of the average annual demand times the average lead time.
Hello everybody, I want to determine the value for the variable S in 2 cases in the following function so that tfr=.85 is reached for both cases. First I tried to do this by solving the equation setting it equal to .85 which unfortunately did not work and then I tried to increase S successively until the minimum .85 would be reached. However, non of my attempts worked out as you can see below. I would be more than grateful if you could help me to solve this problem. Target Fill Rate for all Bases >tfr := 0.85 Average Base Pipeline for Minimum Lead Time >basepipemin[1] := 0.2; basepipemin[2] := 1.8;
here the second Approach, which did not fit on the other blog anymore:

for n to 2 do
for S to 10 while tfrbase <= tfr do
tfrbase := sum(basepipemin[n]^j*evalf(exp(-basepipemin[n]))/factorial(j), j = 0 .. S)
od od;

thx for every help...
Hello everybody,

I want to determine the value for the variable S in 2 cases in the following function so that tfr=.85 is reached for both cases. First I tried to do this by solving the equation setting it equal to .85 which unfortunately did not work and then I tried to increase S successively until the minimum .85 would be reached. However, non of my attempts worked out as you can see below. I would be more than grateful if you could help me to solve this problem.


Target Fill Rate for all Bases

>tfr := 0.85

Average Base Pipeline for Minimum Lead Time

>basepipemin[1] := 0.2; basepipemin[2] := 1.8;
Hello everybody, I am trying to model a simple logistical problem in Maple using a double loop and 2 indices to indicate what parameters the solutions belong to. Maple however doesn't give me any output or error in the following setting: p[1] := 1; p[2] := 4; for n to 2 do for s to 10 do EBO[s, p[n]] := sum((x-s)*p[n]^x*evalf(exp(-p[n]))/factorial(x), x = s+1 .. infinity) end do end do THX for all your help in advance, Fred
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