
140 Reputation

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17 years, 340 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by fredl82

Hello everybody, I tried to plot the output of my algorithm as follows below, defining two vectors representing the output values of each algortihm iteration. However, in this little example this is easy, because I know the number of steps, i.e. 3. However, how can I work out this problem, if I don't know the number of steps in advance? That is, how can I define a vector which grows in size with the number of algoithm steps, but which keeps the old values of the previous steps as well? > restart: with(stats): Digits := 14: > > N := 4: > L := 0.002: > beta:=0.85: > beta:=0.85:
Maple Professionals: I created an algorithm in maple, which calculates and prints out 2 values after each iteration, i.e. SFR and I (see code below). I wish to create a graph, which displays and connects the output of the iterations. That is, the y-axis should represent the variable SFR and the x-axis should represent the variable I. SFR ranges from 0 to 1 and I can range from 0 to infinity. I would be more than grateful, if someone could help me to create this graph within the code below. Thanks so much in advance, Nic > restart: with(stats): Digits := 14: > N := 4: > L := 0.002:
Maple Professionals: This is my first time programming. I wish to compute a marginal analysis algorithm, where I basically want to find the best bang per buck in each step. I increase the variable s[i] one after another by 1 and look at the change in the perforance realtive to the cost. Then I wish to increase that s[i] by 1 for which I could see the largest increase in performance relative to cost. In the end I wish to stop when the performance measure DFR is larger than 85%. However at the moment I especially face the difficulty to raise that s[i] by one, which reached the largest relative performance increase. At the moment I got this far and would be more than grateful for any help from your side:
Maple Professionals: I wish to import a file with float type values which is 338*16 big. I saved it in Excel as a .csv type file. Using the Import Assistant works. However I don´t want to use the assisstant everya time I run my calculations. Thus I tried to use the commands readdata(), ImportMatrix(). Hoever non of those do like me :-(. I am really frustrated. I attempted the following commands, having already converted the csv into a txt: > lambda:=ImportMatrix("D:\01_1_CSML DATA\Prognose & Bestände\04_2.txt",datatype=anything); Error, (in ImportMatrix) file or directory does not exist
Maple Professionals: I wish to prgramm a greedy heuristic in maple and would be more than grateful, if someone could help me, since I am no expert in programming. The problem is a simple stocking problem. There are two parts I wish to stock in my warehouse. I know their demand, delivery time and item cost. From the demand and the delivery time I can calculate the expected backorders given a specified number of units in stock based on a poisson distribution. In the greedy heuristic step by step I increase the stock of all items by 1 and then calculate the reduction in expected backorders divided by the item cost (some kind of "bang per buck"). I then compare the reduction over all items and increase the stock by one for the item with the highest reduction.
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