
Mr. Dieter Goebel

50 Reputation

One Badge

0 years, 147 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by goebeld

Dear all, how can I get the 1st which is (2) or 2nd element which is (3) of xxx ?

Dear all, I'm struggeling with the regex and special characters in maple. The StringTools:-Subs works but StringTools:-RegSplit not. Why? I do have the same problem wird the double quotes.

Dear all,

is there a versioning concept similiar to Eclipse ?

Dear all, why "has" always returns false ?

Dear all, I have the following issue:

Goal is to calculate saddle, turning point, etc.

As you can see in the code above only in case of a second restart x2 is calculated correctly.

Thanks for help.

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