
390 Reputation

6 Badges

9 years, 127 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by jalal

@vv Great ! Thanks

@vv And how to add principal planes in the final graphic ? Thanks for your help

Principal planes of  "Q≡"-x^2+4*x*y-4*x*z+2*y^2-8*y*z+2*z^2-6*x+4*z-12 = 0


`≡`(`π__b,c`, -2*b+2*c)*x+b*y+cz-3*b+2*c = 0

`≡`(`π__1`, x)+2*y-2*z-1 = 0


Download PrincipalPlanes.mw


@Carl Love thanks ! 

@vv   Thanks for your code, but i have problem with the "fnew" variable 



I am trying to add an animation of the derivated function, but I have a margin problem in my display intervals 

Ideas to solve this problem?



@acer  it s exactly my objective !



How to do transpose your  idea for G0 variable .. to  insert ' f(x)=, g(x)=, h(x)=, i(x)= ' without taking into account the random order of  function expressions ?



@tomleslie  Thanks

@mmcdara Thanks for your suggestion, but my problem is different : How to insert 3 simultaneous colors ( blue, green, yellow) in "Filled" command  like P1,P2,P3 ?

@tomleslie  Thanks for your suggestion, but my problem is different : How to insert 3 simultaneous colors ( blue, green, yellow) in "Filled" command  like P1,P2,P3 ?

@tomleslie  .. to "principal" values (which by definition will be in the range  -180..180) ?

@Kitonum  Thanks for the idea

@Kitonum  great !

@Kitonum   and how to insert vector notation like this 


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