
390 Reputation

6 Badges

9 years, 127 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by jalal


How to have only different integers in the first column ? thanks

@nm  How to have only different integers in the first column ? thanks

@acer Thanks for the idea. The InertForm:-Display command is very convenient. I didn’t know it

@Carl Love , Thanks for your response..

But i don't understand the variable 'choices' ? it must replace the variable choice?



@Carl Love 

Thanks for your idea..

Now, I want to display 5 different choices. i try with Randomize()  but this option don't display always different choices ?




Thanks for the help. Using the code of the Mathapp is exactly the goal of my approach (for not to reinvent the wheel;)) Is there a way to generalize the process for a series of existing Math app in the software?

@tomleslie  Thanks !

@tomleslie  Thanks.Is there a way to display Fibonacci numbers too?

@acer Thanks

@Carl Love  Thanks for your idea.. My goal is to export the animation to GIF format ( for  sharing..).

The Explore command don t keep animation dimension


@Carl Love  When i add animate command, i receive Error Message

@Carl Love  Thanks.

I think that more simple with parametric equation..


i tried this sequence to obtain animation of my Ellipse

Thanks for ideas 


@vv Perfect ! 

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