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9 years, 347 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by jonlg

Hi there,

I'm trying to get the values from the output of a dsolve command.

I have a system of differential equations:

de1 := diff(V(t), t) = V(t)-(1/3)*V(t)^3-W(t)+Ie;
de2 := diff(W(t), t) = 0.8e-1*(V(t)+.7-.8*W(t))

For a range of the independent variable t and for some given values of the parameter Ie, I would like to get the value of the dependent variable V, as well as its minimum/maximum values for each Ie.

Can anybody suggest a solution please?


This is the worksheet:




Hi there,

I've been trying to find an equivalent to MATLAB's unique command in Maple, but I had no success.

I've seen that Maple would return the elements that are either repeated (FindRepetitions) or not repeated (MakeUnique), but not the indices within the original list.

Is there way to do that?



Hi there,

I'm trying to simulate an stochastic SIR model following the Gillespie algorithm, as described here [1].


When trying to update each process' probabilities, it looks like Maple is not updating their values. Although each element of the lists S, I and R is updated the ai lists are not updated.

For example, for a given index i

a2[i]:= m*S[i]:

takes the same value for every i, regardless of the value of S[i].

Can anybody tell why this is happening or what's wrong with the worksheet? This is the attempt:


On the other hand, I tried making things more clear through a couple of procedures. However, when it comes to the point where a random number with an exponential distirbution is computed:

Rexp := RandomVariable(Exponential(mu)):

it looks like Maple is unable to evaluate mu. But having a look at the Variables explorer, it has a defined value, indeed.

So what's wrong in the worksheet? Thi is the attempt:





Hi there,

I am trying to simulate the behaviour of an equation in the continuous domain for two different populations given a set of parameters.

The equations reads:

S(t) = exp(-alpha·D(t)-beta·G·D^2(t))

where alpha and beta are known (and are different for two populations of cells), and G may be:

Case 1: G=1

Case 2: G = (D1^2+D2^2+2*D1*D2*exp(-lambda*T))/D^2 (where D1=D/3; D2=2·D/3; and lambda is also known)


For the Case 1, I need to simulate for different values of D. Even if for the purposes of this case, D(t) = D0 (a constant); I would like to know how I would do it for a time-dependent D, for example,  D(t) = D0·t, with a varying D0, for example in the range [1..8].

For the Case 2, I need to simulate under different values of T (for example in the range [1..8]), letting D be a constant, known value. In this case, D(t) is a piecewise function:

D(t) =
= D/3 if t=0

= 2·D/3 if t=T
= 0 for any other t

I really don't know how to write the expression for S(t) in this case.


I guess I need an array to store as many instances of S as numbers of parameters I have (8 values for D0 int he first case, and another eight for T).

And besides, it needs to be a function of t (even if in the first case, it is not; I'd like to simulate as if it were).


So I am at a loss when it comes to writing the expressions of S(t), and having it evaluated (and its values plot in the same graph using a palette for differente parameter values) for say, t=0..100.


Attached is my attempt:


Any ideas?



Hi there,

I've got the following differential equation system:,

dU/dt = delta·dotD -lambda·U - kappa·U^2
dL/dt = (1-phi)·lambda·U + 1/4 ·kappa·U^2

being phi, delta, kappa, lambda, kappa some fixed parameters of the system, and where dotD (the derivative wrt time of a function D), which is defined a piecewise funtion:

dotD(t)=1/(3·T1)·DT for t in [0,T1]

dotD(t)=2/(3·(T2-T1-T))·DT for t in [T1+T,T2]

where T and DT are also known, and T1 approaches 0, and T2 approaches T1+T.

Setting the equation system in Maple and trying to solve it, gives a NULL result. However, trying to solve each piece separately seems to work fine.

Why is this?


Furthermore, taking limits for the [T1+T,T2] part (having solved each piece separately) yields an invalid limits point error. Ain't the possibility to take limits for both parameters at the same time?

Any ideas?


This is the Maple worksheet:

Thank you.


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