
10 Reputation

2 Badges

17 years, 57 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by kjay09

One of the inputs I have to a solar vehicle model is the relationship between current and voltage for the solar panel. This relationship has been measured as 50 ordered pairs of current and voltage. As the model runs over time the value of voltage (and current) will change. Right now I have fit the I vs V data as a 6th order polynomial.

I have a multi-equation vehicle model that I can set up as

> sol3 := dsolve([eqB, eqC, eqD, eqE, eqF, speed(0) = 0, V(0) = 0.7047824398e-1], [Tm(t), 
Tw(t), V(t), omega(t), speed(t)]);

or, following a MaplePrimes post
> sys := [eqB, eqC, eqD, eqE, eqF];
> ics := [speed(0) = 0, V(0) = 0.7047824398e-1, omega(0) = 0, Tw(0) = 0, Tm(0) = 0];
> vars := ...
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