
1020 Reputation

11 Badges

20 years, 105 days
President & CEO
Laurent Bernardin is president and CEO of Maplesoft. Laurent has been with Maplesoft for over 20 years and prior to his appointment to his current role, he held the positions of CTO and COO. Laurent is a firm believer that mathematics matters and has driven Maplesoft’s focus on both academic and professional markets, always with an eye towards both innovation and user experience. Under his leadership, Maple has grown from a research project in symbolic computing to a complete environment for mathematical calculations used by hundreds of thousands of engineers, scientists, researchers and students around the world. Laurent lead the development of MapleSim, a ground-breaking product for modeling and simulation of engineering systems. Laurent oversaw the development of Möbius, the online learning platform, culminating in the successful spin-off of DigitalEd in 2018. More recently, Laurent has been driving Maplesoft’s push into the area of model based systems engineering. Laurent is a recognized authority in the area of scientific computation and has published numerous papers on mathematical algorithms as well as parallel and distributed computation. Laurent is an active member of the research community and has served on numerous editorial boards and program committees. Frequent speaking engagements and invited lectures allow Laurent to share his thoughts with audiences at top research institutions and companies around the world. In 2004, Laurent accepted the NSERC Synergy Award on behalf of Maplesoft, recognizing our long-term partnership with the University of Waterloo. Laurent has served on a number of corporate boards and is currently a member of the board of directors of the Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences. Prior to joining Maplesoft, Laurent held research and IT positions at ETH Zurich, ran a software consulting business and co-founded an e-commerce startup company. Laurent grew up in Luxembourg and holds an engineering degree in computer science as well as a PhD in symbolic computing from ETH Zürich, Switzerland.

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by laurent


Thanks for the feedback. We are taking this very seriously and will look at improving the situation with LaTeX authoring.

There are a number of alternatives for authoring Maple T.A. questions and we recommend using the online authoring environment as both a powerful and easy to use method. If you need offline authoring, the .qu question format is also an option. The vast majority of our customers today is using one of these two methods and are very successful authoring questions.

I will look into your issues with Tech Support.

best regards

   -Laurent, Chief Scientist, Maplesoft


Let me chime in here before the conspiracy theorists take over... ;-)

Maple provides both 1d and 2d input modes and they are quite different in behaviour and purpose. We see 2d input as a more friendly entry point for new and casual users. As an expression is entered, it looks the way it's supposed to look. There's no need for mental bracket matching and such... But 1d input of course also still have a purpose and always will. Writing more than one-line procedures is certainly more efficient using 1d entry than 2d, for example.

Based on our experience with customers since Maple10, we found two things: One, users whose first interaction with Maple is 2d appreciate it for all the reasons we built this in the first place. It's easier to get going because there is less syntax to learn. And no, this is not propaganda but actual user experience. On the other hand we also found that most experienced Maple users have a hard time finding value in 2d input. They (you) already know the syntax and have become very efficient using it and there really is not much incentive to changing to 2d. It probably also is harder to get used to 2d if you are already proficient in 1d, because 2d is both similar and different, as was mentionned above.

Where does that leave us? My take is that it is not worth fighting over which is better. Both modes are available and it is easy enough to configure Maple to use one or the other as the default. And since new users like 2d, that will remain the default out of the box.

best regards

   -Laurent, Chief Scientist & VP, Maplesoft


We had an issue within the UI in the earlier 11.01 release, which lead us to quickly re-release 11.01 with one additional fix. The problem was with the display of floating point numbers in scientific notation. The number of people exposed to the earlier 11.01 release should be small. -Laurent
Try: (r, txt) := HTTP[Get](""); This is in Maple 11, though it's still experimental and thus not documented. -Laurent
In order to restrict results to the real domain, use: with(RealDomain); solve(272*c^3-213*c^2+52*c-4 > 0, c); -Laurent
I wasn't able to reproduce this problem. Perhaps it's a particular image that causes trouble?
Could you provide us with more detail on the problems that you are encountering with inserting images into Worksheets? thanks -Laurent
Here's a little trick I use: eval([b1,b2,b3], sols); This allows you to extract only the solutions you need, in the order you need them in, with one command.
Here's a little trick I use: eval([b1,b2,b3], sols); This allows you to extract only the solutions you need, in the order you need them in, with one command.
In Maple 10 (2D) there are two different types of subscripts. The one that you get by default when you type _ (underscore) is actually an index. For example, f_max:=10 will create the table f and assign the value 10 to f[max]. That's the reason you can no longer use f as a variable name, thereafter. However, you can use a literal subscript to define the variable f_max and still use the variable f independently from f_max. On the Expression palette, you find two different types of subscripts, one labelled a_n (that's the indexing subscript) and one labelled a_* (that's the literal subscript). So if you construct f_max using the a_* palette entry, you can assign to f_max and still use f as a variable.
I'd appreciate examples of these types of problems in Maple 10.04 such that they can be fixed.
This problem has been fixed in Maple 10.04 or later.
There are two ways to deal with global data in a distributed application using HPC-Grid. - You can use the message passing primitives to explicitly send data from one node to all the other nodes and back if needed. - Using the interactive HPC-Grid worksheet, you'll find two text boxes that allow you to specify lists of variables. The first box allows you to name variables whose values you want to export from the current worksheet to each node of the computation. The second box allows you to specify which variables you want to import from node zero back into your current worksheet, once the computation is done. One gotcha is that the "current worksheet" mentionned above is the interactive HPC-Grid worksheet which you use to launch parallel jobs. So in order to prepare global data, the best way is to append a section to that worksheet, define the variables containing your global data and then fill the text boxes with a comma-separated list of the names of those variable which you want to make available globally across a distributed computation, prior to clicking the Launch button. I hope this helps -Laurent
Quite likely to be in a future version, actually... stay tuned -Laurent, Maplesoft
Quite likely to be in a future version, actually... stay tuned -Laurent, Maplesoft
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