
1505 Reputation

15 Badges

18 years, 252 days



Mario Lemelin
Maple 14.00 Win 7 64 bits
Maple 14.00 Ubuntu 10,04 64 bits
messagerie : mario.lemelin@cgocable.ca téléphone :  (819) 376-0987

MaplePrimes Activity

These are answers submitted by lemelinm

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I had to adjust the height of the cell to make it right.  Of course (and I don't know why),  the image of the square look bigger than the lines but in the print preview, it's ok and in the pdf format too.  Here is what I have done and the result.


Sorry, can't do more


Yes, the pulley and the rope are massless.  Everything is fine now.


I have tried it in Maple 11 and 12 and it print correctly.  In the print preview, it look fine too.




I just want to be sure that I will be compatible with the others who still does not have it yet.  It's just that sometimes, I have lost informations with worksheet done in Maple 12 when I open it with Maple 11.  THis is because there is new facilities in 12 that are not in 11.  But for now on, I will do my files in 12 wich is a great improvment.  And I am still behind what I said in the brochure.  Is it ok now?



definition of the piecewise function.  It give:




About inverting the function, sorry I don't know how to do it.


Sometimes, it's better to use f_x when you talk about partial derivative.  You can do it like this:





RootFinding:-BivariatePolynomial([rhs(E2)-lhs(E2), rhs(E1)-lhs(E1)], [x, y]);



E1 := y^2-x^2 = -2; E2 := x-y^2 = 3;

                                    2    2     
                             E1 := y  - x  = -2
                              E2 := x - y  = 3
RootFinding:-Isolate([rhs(E2)-lhs(E2), rhs(E1)-lhs(E1)], [x, y]);

solve({E1, E2}, {x, y});

    /          /       /  2                        \     2             \  
   { y = RootOf\-RootOf\_Z  + 7 + 5 _Z, label = _L1/ + _Z , label = _L2/, 

                   /  2                        \\ 
     x = 3 + RootOf\_Z  + 7 + 5 _Z, label = _L1/ }
_EnvExplicit := true;
solve({E1, E2}, {x, y});

          /                                              (1/2)\   
          |    1   1    (1/2)        1 /           (1/2)\     |   
         < x = - - - I 3     , y = - - \-10 - 2 I 3     /      >, 
          |    2   2                 2                        |   
          \                                                   /   

            /                                            (1/2)\   
            |    1   1    (1/2)      1 /           (1/2)\     |   
           < x = - - - I 3     , y = - \-10 - 2 I 3     /      >, 
            |    2   2               2                        |   
            \                                                 /   

            /                          (1/2)                    \   
            |      1 /           (1/2)\           1   1    (1/2)|   
           < y = - - \-10 + 2 I 3     /     , x = - + - I 3      >, 
            |      2                              2   2         |   
            \                                                   /   

            /                        (1/2)                    \ 
            |    1 /           (1/2)\           1   1    (1/2)| 
           < y = - \-10 + 2 I 3     /     , x = - + - I 3      >
            |    2                              2   2         | 
            \                                                 / 

Why RootFinding does not work?



Here is where the I1 come from:

I1 := int(cos(m*x)*sin(n*x), x = 0 .. Pi) assuming m::integer,n::integer;
                                            (m + n)  
                               -2 n + 2 (-1)        n
                       I1 := - ----------------------
                                      /  2    2\     
                                    2 \-m  + n /     


You export the data to a file like this:

   P := implicitplot(x*y-1,x=-2..2,y=-2..2):
   Q:= < op(indets(P,Array));

then right-click o n the output and choose:

Export As -> Tab Deliminated

save it then insert a spreadsheet.  Right-click on the spreadsheet and choose:

Import As -> Tab Deliminated

Your data will then be in the spreadsheet and as a bonus, you will be able to manipulate the data.



I found a link to a maplenet application that is suppose to give the result of a integral that you want.


But it is very disturbing to see that it cannot do the integration of


while Mathematica can.  Maple should develop a site in wich a student can make derivative, integration and plotting of functions.  Maybe someone know such a link?


If that response is to  me, sorry but it's the firts time I see plot use that way.  If I forgot it earlier well, I am humain.........



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