
1535 Reputation

15 Badges

19 years, 34 days



Mario Lemelin
Maple 14.00 Win 7 64 bits
Maple 14.00 Ubuntu 10,04 64 bits
messagerie : mario.lemelin@cgocable.ca téléphone :  (819) 376-0987

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by lemelinm


Then go to the plot section. I would like to see the commands that were used (complexplot3d I guess) to plot the first Zeta Riemann function in 3-d. Usually, you go to the cell where you se the output that you are interested in. Then you right-click and choose properties of the Array. Then you check the "Show input". Then you click OK and you are suppose to see the input that generate the 3-d plot of the Riemann Zeta Function.

But it doesn't happen. So maybe I am doing something wrong. Any idea?

Thank you in advance for your help.

I am sure that this question must be answered. But when I do a search in the "Search" box, I always receive a page where it  is mentioned that there is an error of generating the page.  So this has been the case for more than a month, or maybe more. I don't know why this is happening.  So that is the reason why I ask a question here.

I would like to put an entry in the file maple.ini so that each time I do the command "plot", the size of the plot in the document will be a size=[300,300] in pixels.  That is supposed to give a plot of 8 cm by 8 cm.  So when I print the document, which will be the size of the plot on the printed page.  I want to do that because if I do not modify the size of the plot by default in the document, it takes up too much space in the page.  I want to do it in maple.ini so I don't have to do it manually each time I plot a function.

Thank you in advance for your help.

I don't know if this is a false memory, but I think that I saw once a command in Maple that make a list of all the assumptions that have been done i the output space. A command that could be named "ListAssumption()" and you would get that list. In fact, I was wondering if this list could be shown in the palettes "Variables." There could be, below the variables, another table with the first row the name of the letter that you made an assume on, and the second row (the value) would show the assumption.  Like this maybe:

Just to get an idea.  Do you think it would be a great idea?

On the website "Learning Physics using Maple" of professor Gould, in the example "Vectors: Calculation & Visualization". If you click on the PDF file under that title, you see an example of vectors in 2d.

But when you look at the solution, you see him use the vector v with an arrow to create a fucntional depending of two variables. Since he doesn't load any package, I cannot reproduce this notation to work. I am talking about this:

Is there a trick that I am not aware of in Maple?  The only way I know to have the arrow is to load the Physics package and the Vector package. And then you use the notation r_ to show r with an arrow.

I asked the question in the YouTube channel but did not receive any answer.  Too bad.

Thank you in advance for any help on that matter.

I think the question speaks for itself. I tried the search engine and he bring me one link on that subject. But when I click on it, he sent me inside many answers on everyting but that. Not even the right month. So that is why I am asking here again. Of course, I would like to keep the thickmarks and the labels on both axes. Thank you in advance for your help.

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