
1535 Reputation

15 Badges

19 years, 7 days



Mario Lemelin
Maple 14.00 Win 7 64 bits
Maple 14.00 Ubuntu 10,04 64 bits
messagerie : mario.lemelin@cgocable.ca téléphone :  (819) 376-0987

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by lemelinm

In solving the brachistochrone for a fine string of length L under the pull of g passing through the point (0,0) and (a,b) using the euler-lagange method,I stumble on this non-linear relation:


which I need to solve for C.

Maple give me the famous RootOf:

RootOf(A*exp(_Z)^2 - 2*_Z*L*exp(_Z) - A)

where A = mu*g*a

Can it be solve for C or am I force to use numeric method?

Thank you in advance for your help.


After loading the Physics package, I have define the langragian L this way:


After some algebra, I get the following integral:

((1+(y'(x))^2)^(-1)*1/y(x) = C

At that stage, I would like to isolate the term y'(x) and do the change of variable. But since I am under the Physics package, I try to isolate it with no succes and worst if I try to change the variable first. A little help would be appreciate.

Thank you in advance


Maple 2022 under Windows

Hello everybody

In a course on numerical calculation in seismology (with jupyter notebook but I tried to adapt them in Maple), we use the Lagrangian interpolation:

First, have done the calculation and get the right answer. But I had to do it manually in Maple (see document below for the question and my solution. The question is describe more explicitly. What I want to do is to make Maple do it automatically and taking into account that there is the restriction i<>j. Then when the lagrangian is calculated, it will be easy to calculate u bar.

Thank you in advance for your help.



In the following Solution_3.3_page_103.mw, after equation (15), I would like to use the clickable functionality to obtain the equations A, B, C, and D. I had to manually use copy-paste to obtain those equations. Because when I used the equation manipulator to square both sides, it started to be a mess.  After that, I was able to continue for (16) and the rest to obtain finally the speed of the muon neutrino.

P.S. If you see something wrong in the calculation, I am always interested to correct them.

Thank you in advance.

>(solve(0 < M^2 - 4*m^2, M) assuming (0 < M, 0 < m))


>inequal(0 < M^2 - 4*m^2, M > 2*m, m = 1 .. 5)

I know that it won't work:

Error, (in plots:-inequal) invalid input: Plot:-Inequality expects its 2nd argument, r1, to be of type name = range(And(realcons, Not(infinity))), but received 2*m < M

I even try

>inequal(0 < M^2 - 4*m^2, m = 1 .. 5, 2*m < M)

But is it possible to do it another way. Could it be an added functionality.

Of course, if I write values like this:

>inequal(0 < M^2 - 4*m^2, m = 1 .. 5, M = 2 .. 10)

I get a plot, a triangle.


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