
1505 Reputation

15 Badges

18 years, 242 days



Mario Lemelin
Maple 14.00 Win 7 64 bits
Maple 14.00 Ubuntu 10,04 64 bits
messagerie : mario.lemelin@cgocable.ca téléphone :  (819) 376-0987

MaplePrimes Activity

These are answers submitted by lemelinm

wich is
L:=[1, 3, 240, 840, 80640, 887040]
you said that " It doesn't work in this example and in another pattern thread because of the primpart component.
Without the primpart it works"
wich lead you to write:
But the primpart is:
> S := add(L[k+1]*x^k, k = 0 .. nops(L)-1);

                             2        3          4           5
              1 + 3 x + 240 x  + 840 x  + 80640 x  + 887040 x 
> primpart(S);

                             2        3          4           5
              1 + 3 x + 240 x  + 840 x  + 80640 x  + 887040 x 

Maybe it's too long to explain in this thread.  In such a case, if you could redirect me somewhere where
I will be able to read about this.

Thanks in advance for your patience Alec.
Mario Lemelin
messagerie : mario.lemelin@cgocable.ca
téléphone :  (819) 376-0987


- What hint lead you to the solution?

- Would you be kind enough to explain, if it's not too long, what is primpart and how to look for it before using guessgf?

I looked to ?primpart and that didn't help me.

Mario Lemelin
messagerie : mario.lemelin@cgocable.ca
téléphone :  (819) 376-0987

 What I do in thoses cases is to first copy it in a text editor (Notepad for exemple).  Then I use the Find/Replace.  Search for > and leave the replace empty.  CLick on ok and all the > disapear.  Then you copy thoses code back in Maple.

Mario Lemelin
messagerie : mario.lemelin@cgocable.ca
téléphone :  (819) 376-0987

 If I understand correctly, maybe this worksheet will show the easy step to solve the equations

View 3867_Manipulate.mw on MapleNet or Download 3867_Manipulate.mw
View file details


Mario Lemelin
messagerie : mario.lemelin@cgocable.ca
téléphone :  (819) 376-0987
> P:=(s)-> u*s*b/(a*(c+s+s^2/d));

                                       u s b     
                            P:=s->  --------------
                                     /         2\
                                     |        s |
                                   a |c + s + --|
                                     \        d /

> u, a, b, c, d := .5, 0.05, .1, 2, 2.;

                   u, a, b, c, d := 0.5, 0.05, 0.1, 2, 2.
> P(.25);

There is only one value possible.  But if it's

> P(s) = .25;

                            1.000000000 s            
                       ----------------------- = 0.25
                       2 + s + 0.5000000000 s        
                          0.7639320225, 5.236067978

There you effectiveley have 2 values.  There is a big difference between P(0.25) and P(s)=0.25.  The first one is an evaluation and the other is an equation, witch can be solve.

I hope my help was in the right direction.


Mario Lemelin
messagerie : mario.lemelin@cgocable.ca
téléphone :  (819) 376-0987

 In Maple 13:

>plot(x^2, x , view = [1.995 .. 2.005, 3.99 .. 4.01]);  # wrong graph in red

then I write in the next line


I highlight x^2 and I crtl-drag it on the preceding graph and it's a different curve in blue (still wrong)

Now I do

>plot(x^2, x = 0 .. 5, view = [1.995 .. 2.005, 3.99 .. 4.01]); #wrong graph in red

And I ctrl-drag x^2 on it and it's a different curve in blue (still wrong)

Get rid of the view parameter and everything is back to normal.

It look like this is a bug.



Mario Lemelin
messagerie : mario.lemelin@cgocable.ca
téléphone :  (819) 376-0987
1- you want values of x while there is none in P(s)
2-  P(.25);

                                  0.25 u b       
                              /           0.0625\
                            a |c + 0.25 + ------|
                              \             d   /

There is 2 values if P(0.25)=?
3- What a, b, c, d and u stand for?
Mario Lemelin
messagerie : mario.lemelin@cgocable.ca
téléphone :  (819) 376-0987

 Since I already had a maple.ini file in the ....\Maple 13\users, I just add the line:

libname:= `C:/program files/maple 13/lib/userlib`, libname:

My mistake was a typo in the line, while changing Maple 10 for Maple 13, I deleted the " / " after 13 so it looked like this:

libname:= `C:/program files/maple 13lib/userlib`, libname:

@ jakubi :  I did look at that file.  It's a good place to learn about the new commands

@ djc: It work now.  The example, the New Means in the Help Contents and you can do ?difff and the help appear.

Sorry I took so long to get it right.

Mario Lemelin
messagerie : mario.lemelin@cgocable.ca
téléphone :  (819) 376-0987

 I did the four steps.  In the following subdirectory

....\Maple 13\lib\userlib

I put the following files:

from COMMON : maple.hdb

from USERLIB10\userlib: maple.ind and maple.lib

from USERLIB10\user: maple.ini

and I change the path in the last one to reflect the location of the library

libname:= "c:/program files/maple 13/lib/userlib", libname:

After restarting Maple, the command >libname don't show the path to userlib llike it is said it should be.

But if I put the line in the maple.ini located in ...\Maple 13\users

and restart Maple, then if I do >libname, the path to userlib is there.

Now, since it's not a package, I know that it's not by doing >with(???).  I should use >readlib(???)

I find it hard to believe that I must read each comand individually.  And how to acces the help in the maple.hdb?  What I say is that these followings lines are not clear at all for me (especially the last phrase):

After restart or reload of Maple the copied Library will be logically linked with the main Maple library. Means of the installed Library will be accessible at a level of means of the package in every respect. The main page for the Library help database is UserLib!!!. In help browser you can achieve this main page of the Library help database by a chain "New Means...  ->  Aladjev's Library".

Mario Lemelin
messagerie : mario.lemelin@cgocable.ca
téléphone :  (819) 376-0987

 I have the following:

C:/Program Files/Maple13/lib/Aladjevlib

and the path is in libname.

I just want somenone, who already have it install, to share with me his experience.  The execution of  "ProcLib_10.mws" has created the three files I've mentionned above.  And I have copy the file "ProcUser10.txt" at that location.  But if I do:


I have the usual error message that it's not a package.

I don't want to do all from scratch, I want to use the experience of someone who done that before me and want to share the easy steps to make it work.  And what should I do with all the *.mws files in D:\temp\common\helpbase.  My guest is to keep them but move them in a more convinient place.  Or can I delete them since they are suppose to be in the maple.hdb and that I can have acces to them by doing, for example, ?difff

Thanks for your patience.

Mario Lemelin
messagerie : mario.lemelin@cgocable.ca
téléphone :  (819) 376-0987

 I suggest first to plot the function.

>f := x^2+5*x+5;
>plot(f, x = -4 .. -1);
>NewtonsMethodTutor(f, x = .25)
> S1 := fsolve(f = 0, x, -2 .. 0);

                             S1 := -1.381966011
> fsolve(f = 0, x, avoid = {x = S1});


Mario Lemelin
messagerie : mario.lemelin@cgocable.ca
téléphone :  (819) 376-0987

 I need help to make it work please.  Here is what I did.

I unzipped the file UserLib6789.zip to my "temp" directory (D:\temp).  It create sub-directory: "Common" and "userlib(6..10)"  In the first one, I opened "ProcLib_10.mws" that I executed with !!!.  On asking for creating the library, I said yes and name it "mariolib".

Now I can see that I have a new lib in "C:\Program Files\Maple13\lib\mariolib" with 3 file: maple.hdb, maple.ind and maple.lib.

In Maple, I guess I should do the following command:

>libname:= `C:/Program Files/Maple13/lib/mariolib`, libname:

But now what?

To access the library, I have to do with(?????).  My guess is that in the "Common" directory, there is a file name "ProcUser10.txt" so I should do with(ProcUser10);

Moreover, I see that in the "Common" directory, there is a sub-directory name "Helpbase" with a lot of *.mws files wich look like help pages of Maple.  And in "C:\Program Files\Maple13\Users", appear a file named "maple13.ini" that was not there before.  In it, you see a structure like the old win.ini file of windows 95 you know: 


Window=296 143 1440 764

.... lots of line...


...... etc..

Before doing anything, can someone untangle this for me.

Thank you in advance.

Mario Lemelin
messagerie : mario.lemelin@cgocable.ca
téléphone :  (819) 376-0987

 You don't need the quote beside the word rad in document mode.  But I didn't find a way to have oC instead of arcdeg.  Is it possible?

Mario Lemelin
messagerie : mario.lemelin@cgocable.ca
téléphone :  (819) 376-0987

 In 2-D Input, there is no need of the back quote in "`\ the......\`".  In fact, if you left them, you receive an error like you can see below:

This is ok!
> G := `#mi("\The calculation was interrupted.\ ",mathcolor = "red")`;

P.S.  I don't know why the image is so bad.  It's a *.gif 978 X 336 pixels on my computer.  By default, after uploading, it was so small you could not read anything.

I change the resolution manually at the right values and that's what I get.  Any idea?
Mario Lemelin
messagerie : mario.lemelin@cgocable.ca
URL : http://groups.google.ca/group/MapleFR?hl=fr
téléphone :  (819) 376-0987

 First of all, you cannot assign a proc to a name that is reserved by Maple.  If you want to do it absolutly, see ?unprotect.  But it will be at your own risk.  Here what you can do:


> Sin := proc (x)
 end proc;

> sin(x);

> Sin(x);

                                   / 1      \
                                sin|--- x Pi|
                                   \180     /
> eval(Sin(x), x = 30);

> sin((1/6)*Pi);


of course, it will be faster this way


Mario Lemelin
messagerie : mario.lemelin@cgocable.ca
téléphone :  (819) 376-0987
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