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PH.D in Applied Mathematics

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by mahmood1800

Hi all

I have a special 2*2 block martix like follwing:



how can i define this by maple?

thanks in advance.

Hi all.

Hope the best for all

In the following program(written code), why i can't achieve the proper combined function in HybrFunc(2, 3, 1)?

thanks for any help

Hi All

Assume that we have a stochastic model with following density function

and our goal is to estimate unknown parameters namely, alpha, beta, landa, mu and sigma by any available method especially maximum likelihood estimation method.
How can we do it with maple software?

Does the "MaximumLikelihoodEstimate" command can help?

or should i define Maximum Likelihood function first and then differentiate it according to unknown parameters?


thanks in advance


Mahmood   Dadkhah

Ph.D Candidate

Applied Mathematics Department

Hi all

Assume that we have folowings:

Assume that we devide [0,1] to N subintervals and in each subinterval we have:

Also we want to approximate arbitrary function x(t) with following manner:


How can we produce these basic polynomials?

Thanks in advance


Mahmood   Dadkhah

Ph.D Candidate

Applied Mathematics Department

Hi all

I have  a simple question in export as eps format in Maple. i want the converted eps file with no box, but when i use export as eps by right click on plotted figure in Maple and then select " Export As--> Encapsulated PostScript(EPS)...", the below mentioned box(as in sample attached picture) will appear. How can I remove it? The Sample picture is attached. 

will be grateful of any guidance.

Thanks in advance

Mahmood   Dadkhah

Ph.D Candidate

Applied Mathematics Department

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