
233 Reputation

3 Badges

15 years, 215 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by mdc

Please help with the use of DEplot3d. 

Following is my script, and I kept getting the error tha looks like involving the initial conditions. 


> restart;
> with(plots); with(plottools); with(DEtools);
Setup the system of linear DEs:
> sys := [diff(x(t), t) = x(t)+y(t)+2*z(t), diff*(y(t), t) = x(t)+2*y(t)+z(t), diff(z(t), t) = 2*x(t)+y(t)+y(t)];

Setup some intial conditions

> ic1 := [seq([.1*i, .5*i, 0], i = -5 .. 5)];

Objective: plot a graph from data drawn from two arrays. I would like to have the data points marked with a symbol (point, circle, or diamond, etc.) on the graph. How do I do that? Following is the code: -- two arrays of data point: engineeringStress and epsilon(engineering strain) -- Zip is used to put two arrays into data points (x,y) to create stressStrainData -- plot is used to graph The plot shows a line; I would like to have the data points marked (visibly seen) on the graph. Thanks. --mdc > restart; > with(plots); with(plottools);
I would like to calculate engineering stress using array; but the following piece of codes do not seem to work. *EngineeringStress = force / area *Define force is an array of measurements of force. crossArea:= 3.2 * 19.1 (not the "*" is really a "." in Maple editor; it is multiplication) force := array ([0., 1380.0, 2780.0, 5630.0]) engineeringStress := force/crossArea; engineeringStress[1] ({0., 1380.0, 2780.0, 5630.0}/crossArea)[1] it suppose to be 0!!!

I would like to try the polynomial fit curve to the data points that I get below.  The data is for melting temperatures vs bond energy. 

> with (Statistics):
> Temperatures := <801, 2800, 1410, 3551, -39, 660, 1538, 3410, -189, -101, -78, 0>:
> BondEnergy :=  <3.3, 5.2, 4.7, 7.4, .7, 3.4, 4.2, 8.8, 0.08, .32, .36, .52>:
> BondEnergyFit := Fit (a+b*t+c*t^2+d*t^3, Temperatures, BondEnergy, t)


Is there a way to find out what packages (i.e. statistics, or calculus, etc.) that are in my Maple installation? I bought a student version of Maple, now I need to use Statistics (with (Statistics): ) but don't really know If I have Statistics package installed or not. Thanks
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