
70 Reputation

4 Badges

8 years, 50 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by miguelbravo

First at all, congratulation for the new update Maple 2017!!.                                        I'm a personal developer about renewable energy hybrid systems models. It is possible get data about irradiance or wind speed from the new world maps?. It will be very interesting!!!                                                                                   Thanks!!!!

Is it possible get a solution of this equation without RoofOf in form explicit?

I'm trying plot  with implicitplot a expresion which involve Lambert W, but the result is very confuse, is it normal? Could i improve the result?, how?. Thank!

When Maple 2017?. Are there anybody about the new features of this version?. I,m waiting for a special project.

What can i do in this case? I,m traying solve a system of non linear equation like this, i want to know Rs and Rsh:

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