
70 Reputation

4 Badges

8 years, 50 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by miguelbravo

I'm trying solve a problem with NLPSolve using procedures like constraints, but it say: Error, (in Optimization: -NLPSolve) constraints must be specified as a set or list of procedures. Theses constraints are inequality and equality.  How i can get procedures as a list or set?. Is there anyone to give a example of it?. Thanks!

Dear all!.       

I have an expression with ramdom variables. Can i use NLP to optimize it?. In this case, does Maple take the histogram of theses ramdom variables?. Thank!!!

I have excuted a loop for i from.....by...while.....do l2:=NLPSolve(.......) with variables, t1,th,tl, etc. I need get the numerical result of theses variables and assign them to t1,th, etc. After execute a function with them. I have tried with op, map and assign, but the program don't understand the numerical value of variables. Why?. How can i assign theses numerical vaules?. Thanks! 

Two weeks ago i didn`t have problem with calculate and plot this pareto`s frontier. I got plot it, but if i try it now, i can´t . Why?.


f1 := (1+x1^2+4/3*(x2^2+1))/(x1+x2); f2 := (1+x1^2+3/4*(x2^2+1))/(x1+x2);

with(plots); with(Optimization); ind := 1; ans := Array(); for i from 1.73205080756887853 by 0.1e-4 while i < 2.87500000000000000 do roll := i; f1max := NLPSolve(f1, {f2 = i}, x1 = 0 .. 2, x2 = 0 .. 3, method = sqp, maximize = false); ans := proc (ind) options operator, arrow; [op([1], f1max), roll] end proc; ind := ind+1 end do; ans;


st := time[real]();


               Array(%id = 18446746983952876598)

pointplot(convert(ans, list));


with(plots); with(Optimization); ind := 1; ans := Array(); for i from 1.73205080756887853 by 0.1e-4 while i < 2.87500000000000000 do roll := i; f1max := NLPSolve(f1, {f2 = i}, x1 = 0 .. 2, x2 = 0 .. 3, method = sqp, maximize = false); ans := proc (ind) options operator, arrow; [op([1], f1max), roll] end proc; ind := ind+1 end do; ans;

st := time[real]();

pointplot(convert(ans, list));
Error, (in plots:-pointplot) number of elements in list must be a multiple of 2  (????)



hello!, How can i to plot the next data in a 2D plot?. it is the result of a loop for.... do....while. I had tried with pointplot anda dataplot, but must be something wrong!

for i from 1.73205080756887853 by 0.5e-2 while i < 2.87500000000000000 do roll := i; f1max := NLPSolve(f1, {f2 = i}, x1 = 0 .. 2, x2 = 0 .. 3, method = sqp, maximize = false); c := op([1], f1max), print(c, roll) end do; plot(roll, c);
Warning, limiting number of major iterations has been reached
            2.86923108976435204, 1.73205080756887853
                2.40562374977021154, 1.737050808
                2.36135298525774395, 1.742050808
                2.34703023482192563, 1.747050808
                2.33762023747274306, 1.752050808
                2.33074752039182975, 1.757050808
                2.32549269761476607, 1.762050808
                2.32138461334482216, 1.767050808
                2.31814359109128576, 1.772050808
                2.31558754335936889, 1.777050808
                2.31359008686494683, 1.782050808
                2.31205927196994354, 1.787050808
                2.31092573645557353, 1.792050808
                2.31013563350152307, 1.797050808
                2.30964617400063910, 1.802050808
                2.30942269107110354, 1.807050808
                2.30943663600124838, 1.812050808
                2.30966416809946962, 1.817050808

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