
25 Reputation

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8 years, 338 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by mikemeson

I have an two arrays of elements Op1[i,j] with -5 <= i,j <= 5 and Op2[i,j] with 5<=i,j<= 35 . When I use surfdata like


it produces a plot with both the range of Op1 and Op2 between 0 and 1 (see Fig1).

I tried surfdata({0p1,Op2},-5..35,-5..35) but this only gave the range of the figure from -5 to 35, -5 to 35 but with both plots scaled so that they cover the whole range(see Fig2).

How do i make surfdata use different ranges on the same plot for both arrays?

Is it possible to compare two maple files, given that there are small changes between them?

I found from this forum that to plot a 2D array of points use can be made of the Maple procedure surfdata.

Does anyone have suggestions on how to plot contours in (preferrably) Maple 16 or Maple 17?

I tried the following

Output := Array(-10 .. 10, -10 .. 10, proc (i, j) options operator, arrow; i^2+j^2 end proc):
F := proc (x, y) -> x^2+y^2 end proc:
surfdata(Output, color = F, dimension = 2);

but "the option dimension = 2" is a Maple 18 addition.

Ideally, I would like also to be able to plot contours with options found in the procedure

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