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9 years, 326 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by mskalsi

In PDEtools, suppose to I wish assign zero value to certain first order partial derivative such that higher order derivatives automatically vanish in subsequent excutions, how I can do that?



alias(u = u(x, y, t))



Suppose we wish following derivative equal to zero,

diff(u, x) = 0

diff(u, x) = 0


If we use ":=" for value assignment we will get error. Under above assuption how can we make following derivatives zero?

diff(u, x, x); 1; diff(u, x, y); 1; diff(u, x, x, x, y)

diff(diff(u, x), x)


diff(diff(u, x), y)


diff(diff(diff(diff(u, x), x), x), y)





I have Maple package "DESOLVE" having two different types of files namely in format .mpl and .mws, where code is written in .mpl file and .mws is just a example worksheet, this package is available at following link;

My problem is how to work with package?

One thing that I able to do is that I have opened the file type .mpl  in Maple worksheet and after executing whole whorsheet I able to to start working with package using with(desolv).

But when I type with(desolv) in new worksheet an error shows up.

How I can store this .mpl file in Maple library so as to use this package using "with(desolv)" in new worksheets


Dear all

I have downloaded a third party Maple package from following link:

The distribution format is  "tar.gz", but I don't know what to with this format, that how should I load this package into Maple library. I have window 8.1.

If anybody have an idea about this format "tar.gz" please help me out.

Dear all
Please guide me how to convert system of expressions into system of equations, so as solve them using "solve command".

The following expressions are just coefficients extracted from certain equation.

16*a[2]^4*delta[1]^2-48*a[2]^3*a[3]*delta[1]*delta[2]-2*a[2]*b[2]*delta[1]^2, 48*a[2]^2*a[3]^2*delta[1]*delta[2]-80*a[3]^4*delta[1]*delta[2]-4*a[3]*b[3]*delta[1]*delta[2], 64*a[2]^3*a[3]*delta[1]*delta[2]-64*a[2]*a[3]^3*delta[1]*delta[2]-2*a[2]*b[3]*delta[1]*delta[2]-2*a[3]*b[2]*delta[1]*delta[2]

16*a[2]^4*delta[1]^2-48*a[2]^3*a[3]*delta[1]*delta[2]-2*a[2]*b[2]*delta[1]^2, 48*a[2]^2*a[3]^2*delta[1]*delta[2]-80*a[3]^4*delta[1]*delta[2]-4*a[3]*b[3]*delta[1]*delta[2], 64*a[2]^3*a[3]*delta[1]*delta[2]-64*a[2]*a[3]^3*delta[1]*delta[2]-2*a[2]*b[3]*delta[1]*delta[2]-2*a[3]*b[2]*delta[1]*delta[2]


It possible for me to write (1) in the following form

for EQ in 16*a[2]^4*delta[1]^2-48*a[2]^3*a[3]*delta[1]*delta[2]-2*a[2]*b[2]*delta[1]^2, 48*a[2]^2*a[3]^2*delta[1]*delta[2]-80*a[3]^4*delta[1]*delta[2]-4*a[3]*b[3]*delta[1]*delta[2], 64*a[2]^3*a[3]*delta[1]*delta[2]-64*a[2]*a[3]^3*delta[1]*delta[2]-2*a[2]*b[3]*delta[1]*delta[2]-2*a[3]*b[2]*delta[1]*delta[2] do EQ = 0 end do

16*a[2]^4*delta[1]^2-48*a[2]^3*a[3]*delta[1]*delta[2]-2*a[2]*b[2]*delta[1]^2 = 0


48*a[2]^2*a[3]^2*delta[1]*delta[2]-80*a[3]^4*delta[1]*delta[2]-4*a[3]*b[3]*delta[1]*delta[2] = 0


64*a[2]^3*a[3]*delta[1]*delta[2]-64*a[2]*a[3]^3*delta[1]*delta[2]-2*a[2]*b[3]*delta[1]*delta[2]-2*a[3]*b[2]*delta[1]*delta[2] = 0


But I want to write (1) in the following form

16*a[2]^4*delta[1]^2-48*a[2]^3*a[3]*delta[1]*delta[2]-2*a[2]*b[2]*delta[1]^2 = 0, 48*a[2]^2*a[3]^2*delta[1]*delta[2]-80*a[3]^4*delta[1]*delta[2]-4*a[3]*b[3]*delta[1]*delta[2] = 0, 64*a[2]^3*a[3]*delta[1]*delta[2]-64*a[2]*a[3]^3*delta[1]*delta[2]-2*a[2]*b[3]*delta[1]*delta[2]-2*a[3]*b[2]*delta[1]*delta[2] = 0

16*a[2]^4*delta[1]^2-48*a[2]^3*a[3]*delta[1]*delta[2]-2*a[2]*b[2]*delta[1]^2 = 0, 48*a[2]^2*a[3]^2*delta[1]*delta[2]-80*a[3]^4*delta[1]*delta[2]-4*a[3]*b[3]*delta[1]*delta[2] = 0, 64*a[2]^3*a[3]*delta[1]*delta[2]-64*a[2]*a[3]^3*delta[1]*delta[2]-2*a[2]*b[3]*delta[1]*delta[2]-2*a[3]*b[2]*delta[1]*delta[2] = 0





Dear all

I have query related to generating commutator table from given Lie algebra spanning symmetries of PDE, I have ten vectors that I need to commute with each other to constitute commutator table. I have calculated all the commutations manually using "symmetrycommutator" command.

My queries is, can I convert this operation into short loop type program which automatically calculate cummutation of vectors from 1 to 10.

The Maple file is attaches with this query for reference.

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