
40 Reputation

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2 years, 57 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by mz6687

I have encountered an issue: eq1 is not satisfied, though eq2 is satisfied for the parametric value (10). I need assistance in finding a way to ensure that both equations are satisfied simultaneously. Please provide guidance or suggest a potential approach for addressing this

How can I substitute equation (5) into equation (4) to obtain the final form [see image in]?

Additionally, how can I use subscript notation for derivatives, such as expressing diff(f(tau,sigma), tau)  as  f[tau]​?

By using the 'declare' command in Maple, one can utilize subscript notation. However, in this case, the function must be written in terms of τ and σ on each step.

How to collect coefficients of eta^j, j=0,1 from (7)?





interface(showassumed = 0)

Setup(mathematicalnotation = true)

[mathematicalnotation = true]


quantumOperators := {H, Id, Mqu, Mqu1, Theta, X, X1}

{H, Id, Mqu, Mqu1, Theta, X, X1}


Setup(quantumoperators = quantumOperators)

[quantumoperators = {H, Id, Mqu, Mqu1, Theta, X, X1}]


assume(x::real); assume(t::real)

alias(q = q(x, t), qb = qb(x, t), r = r(x, t), rb = rb(x, t), psi = psi(x, t), phi = phi(x, t), g = g(x, t), gb = gb(x, t), H = H(x, t), X = X(x, t), X1 = X1(x, t), Theta = Theta(x, t), eta = eta(t), Mqu = Mqu(x, t))

q, qb, r, rb, psi, phi, g, gb, H, X, X1, Theta, eta, Mqu




D1 := (Id*eta-H).X

eta*Physics:-`*`(Id, X)-Physics:-`*`(H, X)


D2 := diff(D1, x); D3 := subs({diff(X, x) = Mqu}, D2)

eta*Physics:-`*`(Id, diff(X, x))-Physics:-`*`(diff(H, x), X)-Physics:-`*`(H, diff(X, x))


eta*Physics:-`*`(Id, Mqu)-Physics:-`*`(diff(H, x), X)-Physics:-`*`(H, Mqu)


D3+D1 = D1*Mqu1

eta*Physics:-`*`(Id, Mqu)-Physics:-`*`(diff(H, x), X)-Physics:-`*`(H, Mqu)+eta*Physics:-`*`(Id, X)-Physics:-`*`(H, X) = Physics:-`*`(eta*Physics:-`*`(Id, X)-Physics:-`*`(H, X), Mqu1)


collect(coeff, eta, 1)



collect(coeff, eta, 0)





How to find the dispersion relation (9). Although I calculated the dispersion relation (see Eq. (3) in, it is not consistent as in the image. 


Since the temporal term disappears from the denominator for any values of the parameters, I am puzzled. Why is this happening? It seems I might be missing something. When I consider one of the terms (named 'opnumeric') in the denominator and assign parametric values, the temporal term is present. However, when looking at the whole expression, the temporal term is absent in the denominator (named 'den1numeric'). How can this be resolved?

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