
9894 Reputation

19 Badges

12 years, 83 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by nm

I noticed that Maple 2016 did not add entry in the start menu->All programs, after installing it on window 7, as all the other Maple releases did.  I looked everywhere and do not see it. This is very strange. Only time I had problem like this, where I install Maple but it does not show up in the start menu.

I did not have problem installing 2016, and I can use it fine.  But each time I need to start it now, I have to do start menu->Search and type Maple 2016, to find Maple 2016.

Is there a way to make it show in the start menu? Should I uninstall it and install again? Any one else had this problem on windows?


Using Maple 2016, windows 7, 64 bit. I see 2 problems allready. One is that long display do not wrap around as it does with Maple 2015. Second problem, I see strange characters inside the numbers displayed on the screen.  Here is 2 screens shots, same computation, one from Maple 2015 and one from Maple 2016. Both on same PC. Windows 7.



Notice also the result for 2016 do not wrap. I had to scroll to the right to see the full result.

Here is the code in plain text. Can someone verify if they get the same problem on Maple 2016?


Should restart always be in separate execution group? I noticed when I write something like

  local sys;
  sys := TransferFunction(25/(s^2+4*s+25)):
  print(ResponsePlot(sys, Step(),duration=4));
end proc;

then type foo(); in the next execution group, it does not work. The plot is not generated. No matter how many times I evaluate the execution group. The proc() does not seem to be fully defined. But if I do this:

>restart;  #hit return
  local sys;
  sys := TransferFunction(25/(s^2+4*s+25)):
  print(ResponsePlot(sys, Step(),duration=4));
end proc;
>#hit another return

and now calling foo(); then it works, and the proc() returns the plot. Only difference is that restart was in separate group. But also I had to call foo() once, then evaluate the execution group where foo() is defined two times ! for it to work (why two times?) why one time did not work? is it becuase I am loading package inside the proc()?

What are the rules for putting the restart() call? Should it always be in separate group? I put it in the same group, so that I do not have to hit return 2 times, being a lazy person. But it seems to cause problem sometimes.

And related question, why did I have to hit return 2 times in the execution group to have proc() work in the second case above?


I'd like to differentiate  3*(r/sqrt(a))+ (r/sqrt(a))^2  w.r.t  r/sqrt(a) and obtain

    3 + 2* (r/sqrt(a))

in otherwords, treat (r/sqrt(a)) as a single variable. This is what I tried:

v:=r/sqrt(a);    #the single expression to differentiate w.r.t

The problem is that when doing x^2 and x is r/sqrt(a), then it become r^2/a and it does not remain (r/sqrt(a))^2, so now the algsubs does not "see" it. I get as final answer

ofcourse, one can now try to simplify the above to the required form, maybe using assumptions or by dividing by sqrt(a) the numerator and denominator of the first term above to get  3+2*(r/sqrt(a)) but this is all requires extra work and can be hard depending on the result.

is there a better way to do the above so it works in general? The problem is in the function p, I need a way to tell Maple now to simplify it somehow. In Mathematica, I can do this like this:

Clear[p, x, r, a]
p[x_] := x^2 + 3*x;
v = r/Sqrt[a];
With[{v = x}, Inactive[D][p[v], v]];
% /. x -> v



Using worksheet, in 2015. I have an execution group, such as


>... another execution group


And want to copy all the code from the first group, using the mouse. Is there another way, other than having to move the mouse by hand and select all the code in order to copy it?  In Mathematica, I can right-click on the cell edge, and select copy. This copies the cell to the buffer, then one can paste the code somewhere else. In Maple, I could not duplicate this behaviour which is annoying when one wants to copy large amount of code.

I found that if I put the code in a "code edit region", ie., do insert->code edit region, then right-click inside the small window of the code edit region, the copy is enabled, so I can copy the whole region without manually select it first.

But this does not work outside the code edit region.

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