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12 years, 84 days

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These are questions asked by nm

This is really weird.


Does any one see a "||" in the above? I do not. Then why Maple shows this:

r := cat("dsolve(",eq,",y(x))");


This is Maple 2015 on windows. Running in worksheet mode

Here is screen shot


This problem does not show up all the time. For example, this works ok:


No "||" added. The problem with all the above, is that I can't make it all as a string in the first example above. I am trying to make a string of   "dsolve(" + ode + "),y(x)"

Here is the display options


thank you

Is there a command in Maple that directly divides one equation by another and produce the result as one equation directly? I wanted to verify the text book, where it says

      x^2-y^2 = a*z^2   ----- (1)
      x-y          = a*z       ------(2)
dividing (1) by (2) gives

      x+y = z  ---(3)

So I typed this in Maple:


But now what to do? I can see the answer in book is correct by doing

   solve( {eq1,eq2}, {x,y} );

And adding the solution given above, which shows it is z indeed.  But I'd like to get Maple to generate equation (3) above automatically.  Is this possible?

Maple 2015, windows 7

I was looking for help on polynomial division using Maple via google. But I am having hard time deciphering this web page on quo command. Is this syntax supposed to work on some Maple version?




I also do not understand how the polynomial and the divisor are "entered" without it being assigned to variables like this. I thought it was the browser, but  I tried both Chrome and Firefox and they both show the same page.

Is the above using some new Maple product? I am using Maple 2015 on windows and I get an errors trying to type the above on my Maple worksheet.



I had Maple 2015.1 running. I did Tools->check for update. It said that there is an update available! then I did ok, go and update. Maple downloaded about 60 MB of stuff, asked me to close Maple to finish the update. I close Maple, and it finished the update with no problem.

When I open Maple, I still see it saying 2015.1, so what was the update for?  

It will be nice if Maple tells the users what the update is going to be for. Like saying something to the effect that version XX.XX is available or something. It just said update available.

How can one find what was updated, and why did the version number not get changed? Is there a log file or some command one can use that shows the updates made to current version one is using?

Help->About still says 2015.1, is it possible Maple update just forgot to change the version number? What is the current and latest version number of Maple?  

When I do check for update now, it says no update is available. So I must be running the latest version. But this what what I had before I updated?

    Maple 2015.1, X86 64 WINDOWS, Jun 3 2015, Build ID 1049007

I am on windows 7, 64 bits.



I started to notice strange things happening to Maple help pages lately when I google something. I think someone is changing them from inside Maplesoft? Now they look hard to read since I see text below another text and also can't copy it to retype it in my notebook since the syntax is not even valid. Here is a screen shot



I thought at first my browser was playing games on me. But I tried it with firefox and Chrome and after refreshing, and the pages still look mangled like the above.

Since I find it hard to believe someone at Maplesoft will make help pages like the above on purpose, where text falls below the line and it not even possible to interpret it when one wants to copy it, since the syntax is not even valid Maple syntax, I would have to imagine there is a bug somewhere inthe help pages generation.  But if so, someone must have seen it before me. I can't be the only person in the world who is googling Maple help.

This is why I am asking.

Is everyone seeing the same thing I am seeing? I am on windows 7, using Latest browsers.

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