
48 Reputation

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20 years, 91 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by penkavmr

Today, after installing Maple 13, I tested it against the Maple worksheets I use to compute versal deformations of algebras. Finally, Maple 13 is solving the systems of polynomials which Maple 9.5 could solve, but Maple 11 and 12 could not. Whatever bug in the solver was introduced in Maple 11 seems to be fixed.  I will test this more extensively, but I tried it on several complex systems arising from my research and it was solving them all.  Maple 11 failed even on some simple systems.  In all cases, these were systems of quadratic equations, and Maple 9.5 was able to solve them all, so I had been really surprised that Maple 11 could not solve them. I appreciated all the workarounds that were posted on the Mapleprimes website, but it is nice to see that the problem was fixed finally. I just wish it had not taken more than 2 years and 2 versions of Maple to fix this problem.

Oh, this won't do at all. I have a whole series of Maple programs which calculate versal deformations of Lie and Associative algebras. The intention is that the user needs no sophistication to run the routines. Thus I need to know the algorithm, and I can implement it, but I imagine others have done so. It also bothers me that when I use linalg and LinearAlgebra to get a fraction free form of the Gaussian eliminated matrix, that the product of the pivots does not have the same factors for both methods. Of course, it can happen that the vanishing of a factor does not mean that the matrix rank drops, so I suppose it is possible that two methods might produce pivots whose product does not have the same factors.
Oh, this won't do at all. I have a whole series of Maple programs which calculate versal deformations of Lie and Associative algebras. The intention is that the user needs no sophistication to run the routines. Thus I need to know the algorithm, and I can implement it, but I imagine others have done so. It also bothers me that when I use linalg and LinearAlgebra to get a fraction free form of the Gaussian eliminated matrix, that the product of the pivots does not have the same factors for both methods. Of course, it can happen that the vanishing of a factor does not mean that the matrix rank drops, so I suppose it is possible that two methods might produce pivots whose product does not have the same factors.
When installing Maple 11 on Ubuntu, the installation starts and then later it aborts with a core dump. I have had this problem on 2 laptops with Ubuntu, latest version, installed.
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