
148 Reputation

4 Badges

16 years, 224 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by ratulloch

thanks for the quick response but there is no phaseamp variable, is this a new varible you added?  I read up on convert and I don't see how it could create a "periodic Fouier series expansion standing wave equation"  I'm just looking for the equation which I thought would be in the form of sin and cos. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Standing_wave

But maybe the format of the question got cut off here's a link to an image of it


and as text file

thanks again for the help

thanks for the quick response but there is no phaseamp variable, is this a new varible you added?  I read up on convert and I don't see how it could create a "periodic Fouier series expansion standing wave equation"  I'm just looking for the equation which I thought would be in the form of sin and cos. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Standing_wave

But maybe the format of the question got cut off here's a link to an image of it


and as text file

thanks again for the help

Thanks that worked great :-)

Thanks that worked great :-)

Thanks!!!!!!!! this worked great :-)

Thanks!!!!!!!! this worked great :-)

thanks it works great!!!

but when I try and make a procedure out of it I get a "Error, (in a) too many levels of recursion" 

a := proc (n)

if n = 0 then

return 0

elif n = 1 then

return 1

elif n = 2 then

return 4

else return a(n+3)-a(n+2)-a(n+1)+a(n)

end if

end proc;

seq(a(n), n = 0 .. 7);


tia sal2

thanks it works great!!!

but when I try and make a procedure out of it I get a "Error, (in a) too many levels of recursion" 

a := proc (n)

if n = 0 then

return 0

elif n = 1 then

return 1

elif n = 2 then

return 4

else return a(n+3)-a(n+2)-a(n+1)+a(n)

end if

end proc;

seq(a(n), n = 0 .. 7);


tia sal2

thanks that fixed it

thanks that fixed it

Thank you so much...that makes my life a lot easier

Thank you so much...that makes my life a lot easier

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