
115 Reputation

6 Badges

12 years, 191 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by rightClick

Is it possible to have Maple display square brackets, instead of a subscript ? (Seperately, I would still like to use subscripts. So, I don't want everything in square-bracket notation.)





Evaluates to:



But I have not found how to do it.

I'd like to tell a new worksheet to use assignments created in another document. This is to save time retyping equations.

And, is this something that others like to do ?



Cheers !

Just wonder if there is a way to have maplesoft.com not think I'm in Germany. On my computer, iPad, and iPhone the website reverts to German language. My locale is west coast US. And I often search the website to learn more about using Maple. 

It's not a big issue, but if there is a way to have it remember English, I'd like to know.


Cheers, all !

Often, I'd like to use variable names that look like expressions. Is there a way to convert them to some form of inert form or as some sort of literal (so that they are not a mathematical expression) ?

Such as,


Can't type it here, but I wanted 'a' subscript 1 superscript (2). I'd like it to not be a1 squared.

Basically, I'd like the subscripts and superscript to not mean anything mathematically . . . And, I use a1^(3), a1^(1), a2^(1), a2^(2), a2^(3), b2^(3), etc.


Thanks, for any suggests.


Cheers !!

I thought there is a way to set j as the imaginaryunit with a scope larger than the current file. There is a startup script or something ?

Anyone have a quick answer (other than no : ) ?


Thanks, cheers !!

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