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12 years, 321 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by rightClick

Stephen Wolfram's view presented on Wednesday at JuliaCon may be of interest. Amongst other things, he considers an article written in 1963 that includes a related question, "If we assume that the development of artificial intelligence will take place, how can we form a coherent picture of our place and its place in the great scheme of things?"

JuliaCon 2023 Room 26-100 Day 2, starting at 7:25:11

So, I had used ChatGPT in the past to get help with Maple commands. At first, it seemed to know WolframAlpha well, and over time it seemed to be getting better with Maple questions (like it was learning Maple over time). With the NaturalLanguage module, it's now convenient to include queries in a Maple document.

Below are snippets to point out two things. The first may be considered a "bug" and the second is kind of an annoyance (because it seems to indicate that consistant results are not easily achieved).

First, notice that the result includes a comma (rather than semicolon) to seperate with(plots) from the plot command. 

GetCommand("How do I plot four points (1,-3), (-3,6), (-2,5), and (4,2) on an x y chart?");
          with(plots), plots:-pointplot({[-3, 6], [-2, 5], [1, -3], [4, 2]}, symbol = solidcircle, symbolsize = 30)

Second, below is the same query, having an added space before the question mark in the GetCommand query (to be explicit 'chart?' versus 'chart ?'). The returned command is more than a little different than the previous one.

GetCommand("How do I plot four points (1,-3), (-3,6), (-2,5), and (4,2) on an x y chart ?");
          with(plots), scatterplot([1, -3, -3, 6, -2, 5, 4, 2], style = point, symbol = solidcircle, color = blue)

If the commands were seperated by semicolons, then following up with a '%' symbol is a nice trick.

For example:

GetCommand("How do I generate uniform random numbers?");
          RandomTools:-Generate(float(range = 0 .. 1))


When I ask GPT-4, "What's the equation for a photovoltaic diode?"

It replies with the longer,

"The equation for a photovoltaic diode, often used to model the behavior of solar cells, is a special case of the Shockley diode equation. The Shockley diode equation describes the I-V (current-voltage) characteristics of a diode, and it is given by:

I = I_0 (e^(V/nVt) - 1)


  • I is the diode current,
  • I_0 is the reverse saturation current (or leakage current),
  • V is the diode voltage,
  • n is the ideality factor (which is typically close to 1 for an ideal diode, but can be greater than 1 for real diodes due to recombination, generation and tunneling effects),
  • Vt is the thermal voltage (which is approximately equal to kT/q, where k is Boltzmann's constant, T is the absolute temperature in Kelvin, and q is the charge of an electron).

In the case of a photovoltaic diode, such as a solar cell, we need to add an additional term to this equation to account for the photocurrent (I_ph) generated by the absorption of photons. The photocurrent is a current that flows in the opposite direction to the diode current I, and it increases as the intensity of the incident light increases. Hence, the equation for a photovoltaic diode is:

I = I_0 (e^(V/nVt) - 1) - I_ph

The term -I_ph represents the current generated by the incident light. This current is not dependent on the voltage across the diode, and it simply subtracts from the regular diode current. It's important to note that the actual behavior of a solar cell can be more complex due to other effects, such as series resistance, shunt resistance, and the effect of the sun's spectrum, but this equation provides a basic mathematical model for understanding the operation of a solar cell."

Versus Maple :