
20 Reputation

2 Badges

17 years, 232 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by rustedivan

Just a quick question again: if I create a function by way of, say: f := x->2x; then I can't use the plot builder by right-clicking the result. However, defining an expression as f := 2x; works fine. I realize that the plot builder pulls in the function literally and it doesn't like the format of x->2x. However, I'm just finishing up a student manual, and since it is a tad bit confusing, I just wanted to make sure that this is the intended behaviour, and that I'm not missing anything. Thanks again, /Ivan
Even though dsolve is great, I'm just curious as to how the "Add an initial condition" menu choice works in the Standard Mode. If I enter a simple equation like this: diff(y(x),x)=0; I would like to create the initial condition that y(0)=6. I right-click, add an initial condition and blue "reply" text comes up that looks like the IC I would enter for dsolve. However, I can't edit that IC, and it just generally does nothing. How would I go about this? Thanks, /Ivan
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