
25 Reputation

5 Badges

9 years, 180 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by tkeith022

Hi all,

I want use a timer to let Maple program run automatically.

Timer will make Maple run by a time step. Maple will plot photo base on a datadase, the database is a SQL database.

The timer is from Jave or somewhere we can used.

Please help me.


Hi all,

How to build an uneven ground by MapleSim?

I want simulation a car runnung on this uneven ground.

Is there any method , proposal , orientation, or any thing can help me


Thank you


How to building a wall, I want to use the wall with something (ex:ball) make a elastic collision.

Thank you all.



I want to simulating a mulitibody system, similar circular motion.

schematic diagram:




Why the ball cannot keep on the circle?



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