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These are replies submitted by viraghj

with Maple 17:


>plots:-display(< H, plots:-display(< P | Q >) >);
Error, (in plots:-display) element 2 of the rtable is not a valid plot structure

Thank you for your testing.

II've observed a 100k/10k  size increase as well. One possible reason:

$ grep Times Test/sinplot1.eps

$ grep Times sinplot1.eps
/Serif /Times-Roman 16#00 vg&newcompositefont
/Serif-Bold /Times-Bold 16#01 vg&newcompositefont
/Serif-Italic /Times-Italic 16#02 vg&newcompositefont
/Serif-BoldItalic /Times-BoldItalic 16#03 vg&newcompositefont

It means that  only the FreeHEP Graphics2D Driver uses the given font settings.

To rephrase my other questions:

What's the interplay between font specifications given in plotsetup vs. in the plot arguments? Why

plotsetup(ps,plotoutput= `sinplot1.eps`, plotoptions = `width=500,height=500, font=[TIMES, BOLD, 16]`);
plot(sin(x), x=-Pi..Pi, title="Output: sinplot1.eps");


plotsetup(ps,plotoutput= `sinplot2.eps`, plotoptions = `width=500,height=500`);
plot(sin(x), x=-Pi..Pi, font=[TIMES, BOLD, 16], title="Output: sinplot2.eps");

results in two eps pictures with different font sizes?

And the other mystery: restart should clear all plot related settings. OK.
But what's the difference between executing (within the same execution group)



@Preben Alsholm 


Yes, in my opinion the expected (correct) behaviour would be an error message in all cases when the manual says true or false and the actual input is FAIL.


@Markiyan Hirnyk 

Well, my command of English is far from perfect, but the phrase
"although the manual doesn't mention it"
that i did read the corresponding Help page, and a lot more.

In essence i wanted to know what happens when Maple can't decide some properties of functions.

iscont, for example, may return FAIL. And what if i use this value  as an argument/option in other Maple functions?

Failing to decide the continuity of a function isn't,  in my opinion,  equal to consider it being (dis)continuous.

@Markiyan Hirnyk 

?statements gives a list of Maple statements (or parts of them).

 their help pages, eg. ?for start with a "semi-formal" description:

The Repetition Statement (

Calling Sequence

| for <name> | | from <expr> | | by <expr> | | to <expr> | | while <expr> |
do <statement sequence> end do;
| for <name> | | in <expr> | | while <expr> |
do <statement sequence> end do;
(Note: Clauses shown between | | above are optional, and can appear in any order, except that the for clause, if used, must appear first.)

This could serve as a basis for a formal definition (grammar) - but the real difficulties would start with the term "expression".



As this discussion shows, the term "command" seems to be rather ambiguous.

Perhaps "statements" vs "functions" is a more appropriate distinction:

function and procedure calls are special cases of statements,

for ..., if ..., read ..., restart, etc. are "real statements",

and there are more obvious  syntactic differences between these two groups.

@Axel Vogt and @PatrickT 1923:

thanks for your feedback. Parts of my problems could be platform-specific:

Fedora 18

Maple 15.02

$ set|grep hu_

The demo contains  a simple worksheet

chartest.pdf  the result of the PDF export - bad (iText bug???) produced by Print/Print to file - almost correct - except a few misplaced accents

On Linux most printing solutions use directly or indirectly GhostScript, so the aforementionedWindows tools, pdflite and pdf creator can't help.

@Axel Vogt and @PatrickT 1923:

thanks for your feedback. Parts of my problems could be platform-specific:

Fedora 18

Maple 15.02

$ set|grep hu_

The demo contains  a simple worksheet

chartest.pdf  the result of the PDF export - bad (iText bug???) produced by Print/Print to file - almost correct - except a few misplaced accents

On Linux most printing solutions use directly or indirectly GhostScript, so the aforementionedWindows tools, pdflite and pdf creator can't help.

@Alejandro Jakubi 

You're absolutely right. I've been too quick. I meant to say  all other parts of formulas, but this is irrelevant here...


@Alejandro Jakubi 

You're absolutely right. I've been too quick. I meant to say  all other parts of formulas, but this is irrelevant here...



Mixing normal (upright) and italics within math stuff  is considered bad practise by most typesetting books.

In TeX/LaTeX, eg. all math (except function names) is typeset in math italic


Mixing normal (upright) and italics within math stuff  is considered bad practise by most typesetting books.

In TeX/LaTeX, eg. all math (except function names) is typeset in math italic

@Carl Love 

Free Unicode math fonts in the TeXlive distribution, eg. asana or xits should do.

Thank you.

I've received the documentation by email from the support team


J. Virágh

Thank you.

I've received the documentation by email from the support team


J. Virágh

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