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20 years, 145 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by viraghj

Hi! I can't answer the following two simple questions.

1) Why do use different font sizes every other  files created by the attached worksheet?

2) What happens when we uncomment some (all) of the #restart lines, and execute the commands (execution groups)  in the original order? How many files should we get?


Update: sorry, I can't see the uploaded worksheet, but here it is as plain text:

#### on Fedora 18 Linux, Maple 17.01:




plotsetup(ps,plotoutput= `sinplot1`, plotoptions = `width=500,height=500, font=[TIMES, BOLD, 16]`);
plot(sin(x), x=-Pi..Pi, title="Output: sinplot1.eps");


plotsetup(ps,plotoutput= `sinplot2`, plotoptions = `width=500,height=500`);
plot(sin(x), x=-Pi..Pi, font=[TIMES, BOLD, 16], title="Output: sinplot2.eps");

#### Restart in the same execution group as the plot statements - no output file?

plotsetup(ps,plotoutput= `sinplot3`, plotoptions = `width=500,height=500, font=[TIMES, BOLD, 16]`);
plot(sin(x), x=-Pi..Pi, title="Output: sinplot3.eps");

plotsetup(ps,plotoutput= `sinplot4`, plotoptions = `width=500,height=500`);
plot(sin(x), x=-Pi..Pi, font=[TIMES, BOLD, 16], title="Output: sinplot4.eps");

What is a bit surpiring,  although the manual doesn't mention it,  the following code produces

the same plots in the 2. and 3. case.  And what about the use of FAIL in similar situations? 

for is_continouos in [true, false, FAIL] do
dc := not is_continouos;
plot(1/x, x=-1..1, discont= dc, thickness=2, color = blue, legend = '1/x')
end do;

Can Maple preserve at least some of  indicated formatting on the attached worksheet

The accented characters  ő, ű from the text eg., are missing. 

A "simple hack":

Export to RTF -> load into MS Word -> export to PDF

But what about line and page breaks, headers and footers, hyperlinks, etc?

Sometimes it's an overkill to copy and paste Maple input and...

Each announcement of a new version of Maple TA, including the latest Maple TA 9, see

contains the sentence:

"... includes connectors to Blackboard® and Moodle™"

But I have never seen any bit of information about

- how to install

- how to use

- what it is capable of

- etc...

Our Institute has Maple and...

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