
60 Reputation

5 Badges

8 years, 138 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by zhuxian

Sorry, I comment not for answering question.

I want to ask a question, but I can't enter any 'Tags', but they need at least one tag.

There is not any text box where I can enter a tag.

Who can help me?



I asked a question before, how to shift subscript of u(i,j):

P: u[i,j] -->  u[i+1,j]


How about an arbitrary expression?

P: u[i,j]^2 v[i,j]+u[i-1,j]  -->  u[i+1,j]^2 v[i,j]+u[i,j]



Hi, I need to calculate some discrete variational problems, but it's a hard work just by hand.

Is there any toolboxes about the discrete variational computation? Or how to design a program to do that?

In particular, I need to realize the functions:

1. the linearized operator and the adjoint operator of some expressions.

       For example:

       the linearized operator of u(n,m+1)u(n+1,m) is u(n+1,m)Tm+u(n,m+1)Tn

       the adjoint operator is u(n+1,m-1)T^(-1)m+u(n-1,m+1)T^(-1)n,

       (The latter is just the discrete Euler operator.)

      Tm, Tn is the shift operator, T^(-1) is the inverse operator of T.

2. discrete Euler-Lagrange equation.

I am not familar with the maple, please help!



I want to define an operator P, which can shift the first subscript of u(i,j)

P: u(i,j)->u(i+1,j)

and similarly,

Q: u(i,j)->u(i,j+1)

I am not familiar with the commands in maple, please help!





declare(u(x, t))

` u`(x, t)*`will now be displayed as`*u


U := diff_table(u(x, t))

char := eta(x, t, U[])-U[x]-2*U[t]

eta(x, t, u(x, t))-(diff(u(x, t), x))-2*(diff(u(x, t), t))



pde := U[x]+U[x, x]

diff(u(x, t), x)+diff(diff(u(x, t), x), x)


tp1 := subs(U[] = char, pde)

diff(eta(x, t, u(x, t))-(diff(u(x, t), x))-2*(diff(u(x, t), t)), x)+diff(diff(eta(x, t, u(x, t))-(diff(u(x, t), x))-2*(diff(u(x, t), t)), x), x)



Just as the result above, I can't interpret why the last term of the formula (4) is (2)_xx.


Is ther a bug, or just because I made a mistake somewhere???










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