
20 Reputation

2 Badges

4 years, 352 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by zphaze


I noticed that, in Maple 2020.2, the caracters seem smaller. As if the zoom had somewhat been reduced (a bit).

However, in the preferences, the default zoom level I would like is between 100 and 125% (something like 110%) (since the default zoom level is adjusted by steps of +/- 25%). I wondered if there was a way to set the default zoom level to an arbitrary value. In fact I thought it would be great to have a field instead of a list of choices, so we can choose a custom value.

Thank you


How do I integrate with Units[Standard]?

For example:




I__RMS__T := int((18*Unit('A')+9*t*Unit('s')*Unit('A')/(.9*Unit('s')))^2, t = 0.1e-1*Unit('s') .. 10*Unit('s'))

Error, (in Units:-Standard:-+) the units `1` and `s` have incompatible dimensions


I__RMS__T := int((18*Unit('A')+9*t*Unit('A')/(.9*Unit('s')))^2, t = 0.1e-1*Unit('s') .. 10*Unit('s'))

Error, (in Units:-Standard:-+) the units `A` and `A/s` have incompatible dimensions




It doesn't seem like I can around this. Is there a way to ignore the units error and just calculate the value?

Download test.mw


What's the steps to prevent simplify() from doing ugly stuff like this :

Ofc I expect something like (1 - R) instead of -(-1+R)



I'm experiencing something quite annoying.

When copying Maple input code from an executable block into a document block, just after a line of text was written.

So for example <CTRL+T><write some text><CLICK ENTER FOR \newline><CTRL+M><PASTE MAPLE INPUT 1D CODE><CLICK ENTER>

The block doesn't get executed. I don't see the blue Maple output. Why is that? Is this a bug or I'm I doing something wrong. Normally logic would dictate after pressing enter it would execute the 1D code and simply show the blue output just below the 1D one-liner?


Using Maple 2020 I can't seem to get a trigonometric equation (fairly simple at that) to solve properly.


Here's a capture :


Expected answer is 1/(25*sqrt(3))

Adding +2*Pi on the RHS to match the sign doesn't work either.

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