MaplePrimes Commons General Technical Discussions

The primary forum for technical discussions.
I do not understand why these parts give different results. Part 1. > restart; > u:=(t,x)->sum(a[n](t)*sin(n*Pi*x),n=1..2); > diff(u(t,x),t); > D[1](u)(t,x); THE OUTPUT OF THE LAST LINE IS WHAT A HUMAN WOULD GET. Part 2. > restart; > N:=2; > u:=(t,x)->sum(a[n](t)*sin(n*Pi*x),n=1..N); > diff(u(t,x),t); > D[1](u)(t,x); THE OUTPUT OF THE LAST LINE IS 0, curiously. Part 3. > restart; > N:=2; > u:=(t,x)->add(a[n](t)*sin(n*Pi*x),n=1..N); > diff(u(t,x),t); > D[1](u)(t,x); THE OUTPUT OF THE LAST LINE ECHOES THE REQUEST. > I prefer the output of Part 1, of course. I can tolerate the output of Part 3. But, the output of Part 2 seems wrong. What am I not understanding?
Now that you have a shiny new degree in mathematics or computer science, how do you get a job in your field? There are many online resources which can help you succeed in your quest!
Dave Rusin, a Professor of Mathematics at Northern Illinois University, maintains The Mathematical Atlas: A Gateway to Modern Mathematics. This comprehensive atlas is organized in a large hierarchy based on the Mathematics Subject Classification (MSC) of the American Mathematical Society (AMS).
hi everybody, I tried to install Maple 10 on my AMD64 Athlon 3200+ (running with Fedora Core 4 64bit Kernel 2.6.15-1.1831_FC4). Well, the installer worked just fine, except the activation - unable to determine Host ID. So I activated Maple offline. After the installing, the first problem I had to handle with was the "read only" mode off all installed executables - I think I changed the mod off all executables in the maple 10 folder... Now I was able to run the command line mode of maple. But I am still not able to run Maple in X11 mode - when entering ./maple -x or ./xmaple nothing happens, no error - nothing. Since Maple is working in the commandline mode, I assume that it has to do with java somehow. Well, I am not really an experienced Linux user, but I installed jdk-1.5.0-06, hoping it will solve the problem, without success :-( . I now that Fedora Core 4 is not supported, but I don't see why Maple should not work properly here if it does with redhat. Well, it would be really great if somebody has a solution to this problem.
Hi everyone! I want to thank Tom Lee for inviting me to join the MaplePrimes community. I feel very enthusiastic about the creative potential of this wonderful collaborative resource and want to take a moment to introduce myself. My first blog post includes a brief biography and states some of my Maple plans and research goals.
Hi i am doin a project on autotuning pid temperature controller,i need 8051 assembly language code for plz any info abt the code send it to my mail.

I read some other entries here and there of users having problems with the Maple 10 editor. Just wanted to know if we are isolated cases under Linux and Mac or if this is bigger issue.
I am working under Linux FC4, and for me it requires a lot of patience with this editor. He jumps here and there, the cursor disappears in the wide space of my worksheet, copy and paste into a string is not possible at all...
I knew previous versions (Maple 7), their editor had their own life too, but this is the top. And in fact, I hoped that they finally come up with a less peculiar editor. Instead I see a lot of cosmetics. Or am I wrong ?
Hello, I am trying to compute an integral, int(1/3*(-6*u2^2+u2*(3*z+9*u3)+z^2-5*z*u3-2*u3^2)*(z-u3)*(z-u2)/(u2-u3)^4, u3 = z .. 1); Warning, unable to determine if u2 is between z and 1; try to use assumptions or set _EnvAllSolutions to true O.K., I try with assumptions: int(1/3*(-6*u2^2+u2*(3*z+9*u3)+z^2-5*z*u3-2*u3^2)*(z-u3)*(z-u2)/(u2-u3)^4, u3 = z .. 1) assuming u2
Just wondering. Has there been any work done on the so-called Chaos Game and other aspects of Wolfram's NKS (New Kind of Science) using Maple? If so, can someone lead me to references to this.
Consider the following equation: base^^(height)=weight where base^^(-1)=0, and base^^(height+1)=base^(base^^(height)) whenever 0.20 <>
I seems that CodeGeneration fortran uses internally lists that can get longer
than 100 elements converting complex procedures.


I get the following error message
"Error, (in GetNameReplacementList) assigning to a long list, please use

9.5 handled this without problems.

I join a worksheet that (as very last command) shows the problem.

I reported already this problem to the technical support, but now I post it also here.

We recently installed Maple10 and Matlab 7r13 onto our Gentoo Linux machine. We've gone through the steps outlined in "Configuring a Computer for Matlab" to get the Matlab link working. Both programs work fine on their own and when we load the Matlab package in Maple ( >with(Matlab); ) it displays a list of commands just as it should, but when we try to open a link to Matlab we get the error: Error, (in Initialize) The library matlink.dll/ cannot be found Does anyone have any idea what to change in Maple or Matlab to point the program towards our file? It is located in the $MAPLE/bin.IBM_INTEL_LINUX/ directory.
Occassionally Maple does not make me happy, if I want numerical integrals with more than the 14 digits which are supplied through the NAG librarys - that may be rather slow. So I wrote my own solution using LCC-WIN32 (a (free) compiler system allowing 104 decimal points of precision), where I coded the double exponential integration method. That gives me what I want to have in reasonable time. Details are sketched in the uploaded zip-file (it contains all what is needed to run the stuff). Some draw-back: this is for Windows only and because of OpenMaple at least Maple 9 is need.
Hi to everybody! I am new and I was wondering if someone could explain me what is the +0.*l that appears in matrix of Eigenvalues. In detail, it appears as: Vector[column]([[27250.1116448956418+0.*I], [79.0594032174760884+0.*I], [0.139518868786005380e-1+0.*I]]) Thank you, Katerina

Many Maple users have a preference of user interface, whether it be command line (TTY), Standard (Worksheet or Document mode), or Classic. My personal view is that each may be suited for different types of task. While it's understood that Maplesoft is dedicated to supporting the Standard interface, I understand that some users remain devoted to the Classic interface.

I often use Maple 10 on a 64bit Linux machine, on which the performance of the 64bit Maple 10 kernel is comparatively faster for some types of computation. I discussed this briefly in an earlier post. But there is no officially released 64bit Linux port of the Classic interface. So below I'll mention an unofficial and unsupported way to use the 64bit Linux Maple kernel with the 32bit Linux Maple Classic interface.

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