Maple 18 Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, Maple 18

Dears, When I run calculation in Maple I found an error in matrices. See the file


how to get maple to do linear algebra in Z_2 (integers modulo 2)

I don't want it to solve and then reduce mod 2 I want it to work over Z_2 so basis([ [1,1,1], [1,-1,1 ]) = [1,1,1]  etc

Hi, I know this has been asked ( and answered before) but when I installed this package and pressed ?globalsearch the help page is do I get it?

y'(t)=1-y'(t-y(t)^2 /4),      t>=0

with initial function

y(t)=1+t,   0<=t<=1

please solve

The model of fixed-bed adsorption column

Fluid phase:

PDE:= diff(U(x, tau),tau)+ psi*Theta*diff(U(x, tau),x)-(1/Pe)*psi*Theta*diff(U(x, tau),$(x, 2))=-3*psi*xi*(U(x, tau)-Q/K);


IBC:={U(x, 0) = 0,U(0, tau) = 1+(1/Pe)*(D[1](U))(0, tau),(D[1](U))(1, tau)=0};


PDE:= diff(Q(r, tau), tau) = diff(Q(r, tau), $(r, 2))+(2/r)*diff(Q(r, tau),r);

IBC:={Q(r, 0) = 0,(D[1](Q))(0, tau) = 0,(1/K)*(D[1](Q))(1, tau)=xi*(U-Q(1, tau)/K)};





I will really appreciate your help. Thanks in anticipation.

I can;t seem to get DSOLVE working.  Will some kindly soul please send me a complete example, starting with an f(x) & clearly documented?   Many thanks.






I am trying to implement some data-intensive algorithms like: comuting similarity scores, clustering etc. How efficient Maple is in doing these operations? I mean is it comparable to MATLAB in these operations? What toolboxes are useful in these? I am trying to build a recommender system.


I am using Maple18 and not sure if Maple has any advantage in implementing these type of algorithms over MATALB??




g:=Groebner:-Basis([a-2.0*b,b-2], plex);

Groebner:-Reduce(a, g, plex); 

Error, (in content/polynom) general case of floats not handled

How to solve this problem simply?

Derive the orbit of the Moon around the Earth by doing a Verlet algorith of Molecular Dynamics simulation. Use one hour for your step τ. Place the stationary Earth at the origin of the Cartesian system. For initial conditions, use the position and the speed of the Moon when it is at its apogee (furthest from Earth). Plot the orbit.

Why does the following not work?




As a lot of people before me I'm severely dissappointed my Maple's ability to export a .mw file to .tex.

The output looks horrible and even disappears off the side of the page in some places.

I've searched far and wide on the internet but it's difficult for me to understand the few, outdated, results I've dug up.


Is it completely impossible to get my hands on a good (or just working) Maple 18 to LaTex exporter? It's not possible for me to begin coding my own.

I have a system of pdes and solved numerically using pdsolve (numeric) command.

The system consists of four first order partial differentia equations.

for example u(x,t), R(x,t)....

what command should I give to the Maple and get the graph of u(x,t) at a specific point x_0?

For example, I need a plot for u(30,t).

Is it possible with the maple plot?

I really appreciate your help.

Thank you for reading this post. :)


Write a Maple code that performs the Gaussian elimination for an nxn matrix, converting it to an upper triangular matrix. 

(Hint: you will need to use three for .. do loops.)

I want to translate my maple code with matrice multiplication  to C code. But the command  "Multiply" cannot be translated. So I want to edit the function translation by myself. I use "AddFunction" command to create a new function  "Multiply" and want to specify its corresponding C code.


f := proc ()
local x,y;
x := Matrix([[1, 2], [3, 4]]);
y := Matrix([[1,3],[4,2]]);
Multiply(x, y);
end proc;

LanguageDefinition:-Define("NewC", extend = "C", AddFunction("Multiply", [Matrix,Matrix]::Matrix,
proc (X, Y)
local a,b;
a := 2;
b := convert(a, string);
Printer:-Print("Mmultiply(", X);
Printer:-Print(",", Y, ")"); Printer:-Print("\n");
Printer:-Print("from", b, "to");
Printer:-Print(",", Y, "do") end proc, numeric = double));
Translate(f, language = "NewC")


But when I run it, the "Multiply" function cannot be translated.  The result is:


Warning, type signature [CodeGeneration:-Names:-ArrayType(integer,CodeGeneration:-Names:-ArrayRanges(1 .. 2,1 .. 2),CodeGeneration:-Names:-ArrayOptions()), CodeGeneration:-Names:-ArrayType(integer,CodeGeneration:-Names:-ArrayRanges(1 .. 2,1 .. 2),CodeGeneration:-Names:-ArrayOptions())] for function Multiply is not recognized
void f (void)
  int x[2][2];
  int y[2][2];
  x[0][0] = 1;
  x[0][1] = 2;
  x[1][0] = 3;
  x[1][1] = 4;
  y[0][0] = 1;
  y[0][1] = 3;
  y[1][0] = 4;
  y[1][1] = 2;
  Multiply(x, y);

I don't know why "Multiply(x,y)" cannot be translated.

If I put two "Multiply(x, y)" in the procedure, like this:

f := proc ()
local x,y;

Multiply(x, y);
x := Matrix([[1, 2], [3, 4]]);
y := Matrix([[1,3],[4,2]]);
Multiply(x, y);
end proc;

LanguageDefinition:-Define("NewC", extend = "C", AddFunction("Multiply", [Matrix,Matrix]::Matrix,
proc (X, Y)
local a;
a := 2;
b := convert(a, string);
Printer:-Print("Mmultiply(", X);
Printer:-Print(",", Y, ")"); Printer:-Print("\n");
Printer:-Print("from", b, "to");
Printer:-Print(",", Y, "do") end proc, numeric = double));
Translate(f, language = "NewC")

THe result is:

Warning, cannot resolve types, reassigning x's type
Warning, cannot resolve types, reassigning y's type
Error, (in CodeGeneration:-IssueError) type 'Matrix' cannot be translated to target language

I don't know why type 'Matrix' cannot be translated.



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