MaplePrimes Questions

hi everone,

i m new user . My dad just got for me MAPLE 11 last week. So interested! But when i do sloving equtaion 2*cos(x) - exp(x)= 0 interval -3..3. Maple only give me 1 solution instead of 2 solutions . I wonder if i my imput date is wrong. Can anyone help me, thx!

probably I should not have written my question as a comment here, si I now put it as a new topic. Thanks for your time and help.

The problem is to evaluate as effectively as possible an n-fold sum of N additions, e.g., for n=3

FF := proc (N) options operator, arrow; evalhf(add(add(add((1/2*1/3*1/4)*(1/2)^j*(3/4)^g*(2/3)^i/(.4*i+.4+.1*j+.1+.3*g+.3), i = 0 .. N), j = 0 .. N), g = 0 .. N)) end proc

In one of the good books on Maple, an advice was to use external text editor of your choice if yoru code is likely to be more than 10 lines. I know there are WinEdt for laTex, RWinEdt , TinnR or Emacs for R, but what  is best for Maple? What will highlight Maple syntacis, commands, etc? What's available and what's good?  Thanks.

In menu Options/Interface I chose to open worksheets as a new tab. That's convenient. However, I cannot figure out how to make Maple 11 start up with the same set of tabs/worksheets automatically loaded when I turn on my PC to use Maple next time. Thanks.


hi i need to plot xlogx^k for x small and positive and k=1,2,3... could anyone help me pls

 Hi All,

I'm trying to copy from my Maple 11 document into this box but I am not able to so I am going to have to explain what is happening.

I am trying to intergrate the indefinite integral of exp(x)dx and Maple 11 comes back with exp(x) divided by lnexp(x)squared.  This amounts to exp(x) over two which is clearly wrong.

Please tell me what is going on???

Thanks in advance.





I am using Maple 11.02 on win xp sp2 in classical worksheet


I put







maple give me nothing at all  ?? just like I typed  " : " instead of  "  ;   "






I have been doing some ODEs question and I want to check them with Maple 11Classical Worksheet  in windows xp sp2.




then the output got 4 answer

I was wondering if there is something to keep it in the form like

y^4 = f(x)  ??

Thanks in advence

Hello, i get the following error each time maple i started:

FlexIm error: -88,309 "System clock has been set back"
Maple asks to reactivate, once done that successfully Maple says that after starting Maple again everything will work properly. But it doesn't work, I get once again the same error and the question to reactivate.

Hello, I have a question concerning a PDE with specific IC/BC, that describes diffusion of a species in a moderately solid thin film with a finite thickness on a solid substrate that is considered semi-infinite. The thin film has an impermeable boundary at x = -h, and the interface between the thin film and the substrate occurs at x=0.  It is possible that the species of interest may be substantially depleted from the substrate, depending on how long the experiment runs.  I am not sure that I have set up the code correctly, and am using Maple 11.



how to simplify lhs(eq) to get rhs(eq)?

eq:=y*(sum(a[n]*y^(n-2)*n*(n-1), n = 0 .. infinity)) = (sum(a[n]*y^(n-1)*n*(n-1), n = 0 .. infinity));





I have an ODE:



where 0<epsilon<<1


is there a way to plot a phase plane of this?

or I will just have to give epsilon a really really small value to plot that?


thanks in advance


How would i go about modelling the Least Square Fitting Approach in maple?

I am concentrating on a 3x3 to a 5x5 grid rather than infinate.

the formula is

y = C  + Dt

I know the least fitting approach then goes into inversiting the matrix, or something, but i dont understand the math model which is why i want to model it in Maple.

Thanks for any help


I have a problem with the elimination of variables from set of eq.

For example:

I tried:

How would I go about adding points and a function to the same set of axes? For example I have a set of points already plotted, and I want to plot my function, f(x)=x^2 on the same graph to compare them.


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