MaplePrimes Questions

when you take the limit as x approaches infinity of the following problem Maple 11 give an answer of 1. I think this is not correct. doing the limit manually I get e^ab. Lim (1+[a/x])^(bx) x->infinity I enter the limit using the expression palette. Any input would be welcomed. Thank you.
Hi, How I can know the goodness of my fitting?and what is equation which Maple usually use to calculate the standared deviation of the fitting parameters and the residual mean square, the residual standard deviation and the residual sum of squre.please see the file.Thanks Please replace this text with the link to your file. The link can be found in the File Manager and tha data file is: Please replace this text with the link to your file. The link can be found in the
Hey guys, here is the absolute last question concerning my project. I'm so close to the end line I can taste it, yet this final problem is preventing me from opening that bottle of champagne. The Objective: Getting Maple to animate a block to slide up a 30 degree slope given a users initial velocity and mass. The Method: A sequence of frames using rectangles with Plot package. An array to store all the vector information for vector arrows. The Problem: The box goes up, however does not come down. The Root Reason: I don't know how to tell the sequence to go down, only forward.
I am generatings sets and lists of points [x,y,z] where x,y,z are floating point (real) numbers. And sets and lists of such set, etc. The computations which produce the lists and sets need to be done with Digits set to some large value but I want to consider two such sets or lists or sets of such sets, etc, to be equal if the components x,y,z, of the points in the sets etc, are equal to say 8 decimal places. Can anyone suggest a good, hopefully simple, way to do this? Applying evalf[8] to all expressions doesn't work. I have a very messy way to do it, but there ought to be a better way.
Is there any way of inputting data into maple using RPN as I have used RPN for years on my calculator and now have to use maple for my college course and I find inputting information takes too much time (using brackets etc.) I am using maple 9.5.
Given an expression such as: k:=sqrt(x)+sin(x)+exp(x)+3+sin(y); what is the most effective way of extracting the part of k that contains any/all square roots? I've played around with selectfun and select, but just can't seem to get anything out of them...I can seem to pick out any trig and exp type functions, but not the sqrt?
In trying to answer a question for one of my students I found the following strange behavior: The probability density for the time t that standard Brownian motion started from 0 first hits the value a > 0 is: f := a*exp(-a^2/(2*t))/(sqrt(2*Pi)*t^(3/2)) Then the expected value of this hitting time is: int(t*f, t = 0 .. infinity) Maple 11 gives the answer signum(a)*infinity which is correct, as long as one understands that signum(a)=1. However, if one now assumes that a > 0 and integrates, then the answer is incorrect:
a:=evalf(sum((-1)^n*BesselK(-2*n+1,1)*BesselJ(2*n,-1),n=-infinity..infinity)); a1:=evalf(sum((-1)^n*BesselK(-2*n+1,1)*BesselJ(2*n,-1),n=-100..100)); a := 0.02456830552 a1 := 0.5233322456 Can you undestood me Why a<>a1? And how it calculated in Maple 10? Thank you before!
Hi - Does anybody know of a command that can convert all trigonometric functions in an expression into sinc functions (not hyperbolic). Something like convert,sincos but for sinc function. Thanks.
Hi, I was wondering if it is possible to drag a curve from one plotter to another in a maplet? Is there a way to do this with Java/OpenMaple? Regards, Art
Hi i am currently using maple 10 student edition and is trying to reduce the number of graphs i need to display. here are the following plots i have 1) implicitplot(x^3+3*x*y+y^3 = 1, x = -2.5 .. 2.5, y = -2.5 .. 2.5) 2)display([polygon([[-1, -1], [1.50322, -.503215], [-.503215, 1.50322]])], scaling = constrained) 3) (plots[display])((plottools[line])([-1, -1], [.5, .5]), color = red) is it possible to combine all 3 plots into one? or even 2. another question is in plot number 2 I drew a triangle. is it possible to make it show the angles of the triangle as well as the length of the sides on the plot?
Can anybody help me how to convert (in both directions) the sums of trig functions like sin A + sin B = 2 sin ½(A + B) cos ½(A - B) Simple expand and combine commadns do not work in this case.
Hey guys, I want to solve an equation using maple.. for example, say I have the values for radius, length, and resistance.. and i want to find the value for conductivity, how would i do this? Assuming the values for radius, length, and resistance are 1, what program would I write to get maple to solve for conductivity. the equation is p=(L/RA) where p is conductivity, L is length, R is resistance, and A is radius... i know these are not the real names for the variables, but this is an example. I was thinking eq:= p=L/RA; L=1;R=1;A=1; Solve(eq,p); However this is not working. Any help for a maple newbie?
Can the commutator command in the tensors package be used with tensors of rank greater than 1 ? I recently tried to prove the jacobi identity using the 2 x 2 Pauli Matrices, that I created as arrays, but kept getting an error message saying something about the improper rank, of the arguments of the commutator command. I noticed in the help pages that the arguments of commutator must be of rank 1. I also tried all combinations of covariance and contravariance of the pauli matrices, but nothing worked. Can anyone help with this ? Is there any way to get around this ? thanks, v/r,
Hello, I am trying to draw a static plot in JSP (without java needed on client ). I am sure that the command is OK, I wrote it according the example in manual.
<maple:statement type="plot" height="200" width="400">plot(x*x,x=-1..1,y=0..1)</maple:statement>
But this error appears in browser:
MapleNet JSP Error Error in maple:statement (Reference # 1196078978052) cannot_convert_results Please try again.
I looked into logs and there is an error:
... 2007-11-26 13:09:37 StandardContext[/maplenet][org.apache.jasper.runtime.PageContextImpl@6e82254d] maple: statement: to Maple -plot(x*x,x=-1..1,
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