130 Reputation

2 Badges

5 years, 79 days

MaplePrimes Activity

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I am trying to use Maple to solve a PDE involving composite functions.  How do I program this?  Here is an attached file describing what I am trying to do.



I am trying to integrate a function from -infinity to infinity.  When I enter the integrate command into Maple, I just get the command back.  Does anyone know how to properly code the command for an indefinite integral?

I have attached the relevant worksheet.Indefinite_Integral.mw


I am trying to learn how to apply initial conditions to pdes with maple.  I have figured out how to do it with odes, but when assigning initial values to derivatives, I get weird results.  I have attached my Maple file, with the error, and a link to the document I am using as motivation for my analysis.




I have made a maple file that is meant to test Maple's solution to the nonlinear pendulum equation.  I am doubtful that Maple is finding the correct solution.  Could someone comment on my analysis?



I am doing some work on differential equations, and I am checking the solutions.  Whether the solution is correct or not depends on whether or not a real number plus zero*i is a real number or an imaginary number.  I want to test how maple handles this by plotting sin(x)i. 

This is intended to be a complex plot.  I am expecting a series of points along the real axis where sin(x) is zero.  Can anyone help me with this?


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