130 Reputation

2 Badges

5 years, 136 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by


I have made a maple file that is meant to test Maple's solution to the nonlinear pendulum equation.  I am doubtful that Maple is finding the correct solution.  Could someone comment on my analysis?



I am doing some work on differential equations, and I am checking the solutions.  Whether the solution is correct or not depends on whether or not a real number plus zero*i is a real number or an imaginary number.  I want to test how maple handles this by plotting sin(x)i. 

This is intended to be a complex plot.  I am expecting a series of points along the real axis where sin(x) is zero.  Can anyone help me with this?




I want my vector field plot to have more arrows, and am wondering how to do this.  Here is the file:



Thanks in advance!



I am double checking some textbook methods involving the arc length of a parabolic function of y.  I need to calculate the x coordinate that represents half the arc length of the parabola from x=0 to x=1

I have included my work in the form of a maple worksheet.  Help on this would be appreciated.

Have a great day!Test_solve_for_x.mw


Suppose I want to create a matrix of derivatives, like gradient, Hessian, or Jacobian, and then apply that matrix to a function.  How do I do this?


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