Gonzalo Garcia

155 Reputation

6 Badges

17 years, 9 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by


I have created a procedure for the so-called "Chaos Game" for the generation of Fractals. The file is the following:


On the other hand, for a given day set D:={(x0,y0,(x1,y1),...., (xN,yN)}, for simplicity we assume D is contained in [0,1]x[0,1], one can to construct an "Iterated Functions System" such that its attractor set contains the set D. A detailed exposition of this topic can be found in the famous Barnsley's book "Fractals Everywhere". Also, in the following paper (sections 2.5 and 4-A):


I have tried to implement in Maple 17 a procedure to create such Iterated Function System:


But, I feel that there is something wrong...After plot (with the Chaos Game procedure) a lot of points of the Iterated Functions System (i.e., an approximation of its attractor set), I have a "set of points", instead of a figure similar to a curve (which I feel that must be the correct).

Please, Somebody can have a look to the attached files?

Many thanks in advance for your comments.


I see that from Maple 2018 there is a command to compute the so called Radial Basis Function Interpolation:


I am trying to implement that code in Maple 2015, but it returns the error

Error, (in h) bad index into Vector

Displaying the vectors computed with the procedure, they seem correct, but the function that I want to return seems to fail (it is a summatory).

Attached the maple file


I will appreciate any suggestion. Many thanks in advance for your comments!




Assume we have the following mappings:


f[1] := proc (x) options operator, arrow; piecewise(0 <= t and t <= 1/2, (1/2)*x(2*t), 1/2 < t and t <= 1, (1/2)*x(2*t-1)+1/2) end proc


f[2] := proc (x) options operator, arrow; t*x(t) end proc


 Note that the argument are mappings (i.e, x(t) is a continuous function defined on [0,1]). Given an array with values in {1,2}, for instance [1,1,2],and a function h (say, h:=t->t) How can we define the composition mapping f[1]f[1]f[2](h)?

In general, I want to plot the composition mapping f[i1]f[i2]...f[iN](h), i1,i2,...,iN being 1 or 2 and h a given continuous function defined on [0,1]


Many thanks in advance for your comments.




There is some procedure/function to convert C code into maple code? For instance, the above text file


contains the C code of this paper  http://www.dcs.bbk.ac.uk/~jkl/pubs/JL1_00a.pdf to compute the image of a point in [0,1] under the N-dimensional Hilbert curve and vice versa (i.e., given a point P in the N-dimensional cube [0,1]^{N} find the point t in [0,1] such that t is mapped into P under the Hilbert curve)

Unfortunately, I don't know anything about the C programming language.

Many thanks in advance for your comments.


The algorithm in this PDF is written in Fortran, but unfortunately I do not known this programming languaje (actually, I am not an "expert" in progamation).

Algoritmo_Fortram.pdf  [removed by moderator. © Institute of Mathematics AS CR, 1980]



Could someone please write this algorithm in Maple? Or, at least, indicate me how to do.

Many thanks in advance for your comments.

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