Gonzalo Garcia

150 Reputation

6 Badges

16 years, 321 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by


I am an error with the use of the function "Analytic" of the packpage RootFinding. These are the procedures:


CreaCos := proc (C, n, m, t) local k, F; F := C[1][1]+(C[1][2]-C[1][1])*t; for k to n-1 do F := F, C[k+1][1]+((1/2)*C[k+1][2]-(1/2)*C[k+1][1])*(1-cos(Pi*m^k*t)) end do; return F end proc;


Then, for k=50, 100, 150... the instruction

works correctly. However, for higher values of k (for instance, k=250) returns the below error. Some idea or suggets about occurs this error?

Many thanks for your time! 

Error, (in RootFinding:-Analytic) unable to evaluate `@`(evalf, proc (x) option remember; table( [( 0.524900000000000000000000000000e-1+Float(undefined)*I ) = Float(undefined)+Float(undefined)*I ] ) 31250*Pi*sin(62500*Pi*x)/(7/18-(1/2)*cos(62500*Pi*x)) end proc) at the value 0.524900000000000000000000000000e-1+Float(undefined)*I. The expression to be solved was probably not analytic.






Let, fixed an integer i and 1<=j<=2^{i}-1, for each x and y in [0,1] let the following mapping

Then, with the above procedure we can obtained, for a fixed i, all the mappings for j=1,...,2^{i}-1


However, How can I to evalute the "components" of the above procedure? For instance, I can not to compute CreaF(2)[1](0.35,0.465) (i.e., the first function in the "vector" CreaF(2), in x=0.35, y=0.465). 


Thanks very much for your time.




I am trying to plot the above curve:


restart; with(plots)

> f0 := proc (t) options operator, arrow; t, (-1)*3.9*t*(t-1) end proc; 

> IFS := proc (i, x, y) if i = 1 then return (1/2)*y, (1/2)*x end if; if i = 2 then return (1/2)*x, (1/2)*y+1/2 end if; if i = 3 then return (1/2)*x+1/2, (1/2)*y+1/2 end if; if i = 4 then return -(1/2)*y+1, -(1/2)*x+1/2 end if end proc; 

> g := proc (t) local j; for j to 4 do if evalf((1/4)*j-1/4) <= evalf(t) and evalf(t) <= evalf((1/4)*j) then return IFS(j, f0(4*t-j+1)); break end if end do end proc; 


Thus, the instruction  parametricplot(['g'(t),t=0..1]) return the message  

Error, (in plot) incorrect first argument [g(t), t = 0 .. 1]

Some idea or hit to plot this?


Thank you for your time



In a paper due to Borwein


it is shown a (very beautiful) graph of the zeros of a partial sum of the Zeta-Riemann, where he indicates that the plot is "the normalized zeros of the 5th partial sum of the Zeta function". Somebody know how one can plot this with Maple?

Thank you!

✐♦❝❄t✉⑥♠❧❄❞❢❤❡⑦⑧❛❋⑨⑤⑦⑧❛✯ts❝⑩❦✑❝❄❜❚qs❴❇❛ ✈❇❜❶q✉❴❷♥♦❧❄t✇q✉❤❡❧❄❞★❦sr❇⑥✤❝❄❜✫qs❴❇❛❹❸✫❤❡❛⑧⑥✜❧❺✐❇✐❻⑦⑧❛⑧q✉❧❈❼❽❜❀r❇✐♦♣✒qs❤❡❝❄✐


I am comptuing the eigenvalues and the characteristic polynomial of a 8 by 8 symmetric matrix, say M. Thus, we define the matrix M, and compute its charast. plynm. by



and its eigenvalues with the command



Well, Maple returns the charast. polynm. an dthe eigenvalues. But, if we compute p(E[k]), for k=1,...,8, thats is, the values of the polynomial p(x) in the eingenvalues, Maple not turns cero!!! I'm really confused ... anyone know what could be happening?


Maple attached file with this example. Thank very much for your help!!


Download exam_eigenvalues.mw

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