Axel Vogt

5906 Reputation

20 Badges

19 years, 350 days
Munich, Bavaria, Germany

MaplePrimes Activity

These are Posts that have been published by Axel Vogt

It is some time ago, that I was fighting with that model and how
to estimate the 3 parameters (until recognizing that one may want
restrictions for them).
Essentially one uses the statistics of the underlying data to get
a reasonable starting guess. 
For an estimation then one can use the Optimization package.
The gradients involved are best coded as a floating point library,
which here is done through a DLL (it should work on all Windows OS),
code in C is included for that.
Meanwhile all can be done using 'Compiler:-compile' or the Watcom
compiler delivered with Maple.
I left that older sheet as it is - in Maple 9 (may be one should
brush it up for concurrent Maple versions, they are grumbling a bit
about the code) and hope it is of interest despite of that.

Maple sheet:
DLL + code:
as a pdf:


  Int(phi(u-a*I)*exp(k*u*I),u = -infinity .. infinity);
  Change(%, u-a*I = s, s); subs(s=u,%): expand(%): combine(%,exp);

  restart; interface(version);

    Classic Worksheet Interface, Maple 12.00, Windows, Apr 10 2008 Build ID 347164

  Int(1/(u^2+1/4)*exp(I*u*k),u=-infinity...infinity); value(%);



This behaviour of 'assume' puzzles me ... 
and it needed some time to locate it
  restart; interface(version);

  Classic Worksheet Interface, Maple 12.00, Windows, Apr 10 2008 Build ID 347164

    #a:='a'; # activating removes the problem
    #a:='a'; # that would not help - since is in use?

Here is some standard alternative to Newton's method (and
thus may safe some homework ... so what). 

It will find a root of f (I think it must be continuous C^1)
in the interval ax ... bx, if it has different signs at the

The code is more or less translated from netlib C library
(or similar).



  f:= x -> exp(x)-Pi;
  zBrent( f, 0.0, 2.0);
  'f(%)': '%'= evalf(%);

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