2597 Reputation

19 Badges

5 years, 21 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by C_R

I am looking for something similar to color functions of plot3D. plot.options is directing me to plot,color where I cannot find an example. I tried


Error, (in plot) invalid color specification: floor(x)

On a Windows 10 installation with

I get after system restart and Maple launch

followed by

What could be the cause that the update is not downloading and how to fix it?

I am trying to understand under which conditions submenus disappear.

Now I have seen that the context panel is empty when submenues disappear.

Has anybody noticed the same and are there other instances when the context panel is emtpy?

Both effects could have the same rootcause.

Here is an example:
A -> no submenu

B -> Empty context panel

C -> Menu appears inside workspace (first time I see that)