Christian Wolinski

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Christian Wolinski

The only difference I can see between the plots is:
using option color=[red,red] in display produces a PLOT3D structure with 2 MESH structures with a COLOUR specification,
using option color=red in 2 tubeplots produces a PLOT3D structure with 2 MESH structures with a COLOR specification.
Both tubes are red and there are no black objects.

I am using Maple 2017.3.

If you use solution of the first system in the second, none of the equations verify unless you heavily reduce Digits. You are having precision issues.

@acer You can use this:

h := proc(g) proc(a) option operator, arrow; proc(b) option operator, arrow; g(a, b); end; end; end;
g:=unapply(a/b, a, b);
f:=h(unapply(a/b, a, b));

Though the body will not display the formula used to make g, just letter g or its definition, depending what you submitted.

@Carl Love Strangely thickness has to be type nonnegint with my version of Maple.

Digits:= 15:
V:= [x,y,z]:
eqs:= diff~(V(t), t)=~ [35*(y-x), -x*z-7*x+28*y, x*y-3*z](t);
sol:= dsolve({eqs[], (V(0)=~ V||~0)[]}, numeric, maxfun= -1, parameters= V||~0);
sol(parameters= ['rand(0.0..1.)()' $ 3]);
plots:-odeplot(sol, V(t), t= 0..50, numpoints= 15000, thickness= 0,transparency=0.8, axes=normal,
axis[1]=[location=origin,thickness=0], axis[2]=[location=origin,thickness=0], axis[3]=[location=origin,thickness=0],
scaling=unconstrained, orientation=[-45, 45, 0]);


@Carl Love Thank You. I never expected anything like overload in Maple. Considering how poor this implement is your tool is very useful. What I am trying to do is to ensure that my code is using default, builtin Maple procedures for operations like:

:=, +, -, *, /, ^
@, @@,
[], {},
if, ifelse

and anything I use commonly. I was hoping to be able to use the "use in end use" clause, but nothing like that exists in Maple.

@Preben Alsholm I believe this is the closest we can get to the sought form.

@Carl Love This wont work with:

main:= ():
main:-`+`(1, 1.1);
use main in 1+1.1 end use;

main is not a module.

@Preben Alsholm Thank you. How does one do this :-`+`(1,1.1); using the use ... in ... end? Does the unnamed module in ":-" have a proper name I can use?

@Carl Love How do I locate operators or procedures that had been overloaded?

@Carl Love I do not see what you mean. Are you telling me to use unwith?

MyOperations := module() option package;  export `+`;
    `+` := proc(a::integer, b::float) option overload;
        a + F(b);;
    end proc;
end module:

I can do this because this is my code. What about codes that are not mine?

@Carl Love I have Maple 2017.3 and I was using minimize(F, z, location) and minimize(F, z). Neither completes. What about your version of Maple? Honestly, I was not expecting solve to work any better. I am not trying to use goto. I never use it. I dug it up for a way to test the STOP button. Often I lose sessions because STOP button does not accomplish.

@C_R My Maple 2017 does not stop when I use the stop button repeatedly. That is why I ask. Perhaps there is config options to consider.

@Carl Love I wrote this in Maple 5.4. There is only ilog10 in it.

@May You can replace ilog[2](n) with a recursive procedure L2:

L2:=proc(n) if n=1 then 0 elif n>1 then 1+procname(iquo(n,2)) else 'procname(args)' fi end;

OR You can replace 2^ilog[2](n) with L2P:

L2P:=proc(n) if n=1 then 1 elif n>1 then 2*procname(iquo(n,2)) else 'procname(args)' fi end;



Mission accomplished.

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