
5860 Reputation

24 Badges

16 years, 187 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Christopher2222

Can't seem to figure out how to change the background colour of a worksheet.

It's not a simple right click on the background as one would think as that option is not available.  And it's not in the tools option menu.  Can it be done?

plot (arccos(cos(x)),x);

At x=0, arccos(cos(x)) should be shown on the graph at (0,0),  As I zoom in I find that Maple draws it at closer to the point (.01,-.01) not at all at (0,0)

It's a little confusing trying to create a help page. 

Using the tools Save as help page option is confusing and not explained very well in the help.  The table of Contents entry does not file it under a folder unless it's followed by a forward slash(/)

In older maple versions, calculating your monthly payments on a car, for example, have become a little more cumbersome. 

Older versions had a built in function called finance, which has since been removed in the newer versions.  The syntax for the command was finance(amount= , interest=, payments=, or periods=) you could leave out one and maple would calculate the unknown.  The most common unknown was the amount of your monthly payments on a car which nowadays is usually a fixed finance level of 48 months.

The older maple syntax was 

Is there somewhere in maple where I can find a list of math, physics, engineering formula's?

I'm actually a little surprised maple doesn't have a math formula, physics formula, engineering formula etc...  help pages or something.  Just a list of formulas, like the cosine law, maxwells equations, bernoulis principle etc... or even simple formulas.  That one could reference to. 

It should be fairly easy thing to make, no? 


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