
Mr. Fereydoon Shekofte

223 Reputation

12 Badges

15 years, 187 days

Social Networks and Content at Maplesoft.com

I Wish To Become As Famous As Albert Einstein

MaplePrimes Activity

These are Posts that have been published by Fereydoon_Shekofte

I make a maple worksheet for generating Pythagorean Triples Ternary Tree :

Around 10,000 records in the matrix currently !

You can set your desire size or export the Matrix as text ...

But yet ! I wish to understand from you better techniques If you have some suggestion ?

the mapleprimes Don't load my worksheet for preview so i put a screenshot !







This is a simple encryption method to hide text messages

Mentioned in Arabic manuscrips with more than hundreds years old ...


Just the place of letters in the sentence rearranged as described below :

For example "ABCDE" we pick up the First letter "A" from the left and write it as the last letter in the Right "......A"

but this time we pick up the letter "E" as the last letter from Right and place it at the Left Side of the previous one  ".....EA"

and this cycle continue until for rest letters ... "CDBEA" .

by this way the text become hard to discover !

It is Amazing that for decoding this message you should repeat the same rearrangment algorithm several times until the readable text appears as the first "ABCDE"

EXample :
















the same text appeared after 14 step cycle


Arabic Cipher


ArabicCipher := proc (x) options operator, arrow; StringTools[Permute](x, [seq(1+iquo(StringTools[Length](x), 2)+((1/2)*i+(1/2)*irem(i, 2))*(-1)^(i+irem(StringTools[Length](x), 2)), i = 0 .. StringTools[Length](x)-1)]) end proc

proc (x) options operator, arrow; StringTools[Permute](x, [seq(1+iquo(StringTools[Length](x), 2)+((1/2)*i+(1/2)*irem(i, 2))*(-1)^(i+irem(StringTools[Length](x), 2)), i = 0 .. StringTools[Length](x)-1)]) end proc


seq((ArabicCipher@@i)("AlbertEinstein"), i = 1 .. 14)

"iEntsrteebilnA", "eterbsitlnnEAi", "tilsnbnrEeAtie", "rnEbenAstliiet", "sAtnleibiEentr", "biieElennttArs", "nenltEteAirisb", "etAEitrlinsebn", "lritnisEeAbtne", "EseiAnbttinrel", "tbtniAnireeslE", "inrAeienstlbEt", "nesitelAbrEnti", "AlbertEinstein"



seq((ArabicCipher@@i)("FereydoonShekofte"), i = 1 .. 12)

"nSohoedkyoefrteeF", "yokedferotheoeSFn", "otrheefodeeSkFony", "deoefSekeFhorntyo", "eFkheoSrfnetoyeod", "fnreStooeyhekoFde", "eyohoetkSoeFrdnef", "SoketFerodhnoeyfe", "odrhenFoteeykfoeS", "teoeFynkefhoredSo", "efkhnoyrFeedoSeot", "FereydoonShekofte"




Download Arabic_Cipher.mw



One decade on MaplePrimes

Always I Wish A Wonderful Year In Mathematics As Annus mirabilis

Fereydoon Shekofte

i noticed members use such tags in their post very rarely in mapleprimes

and i am confused whether ?

there is a list of special html tags that are supported in "HTML Source Editor" of mapleprimes

that are compatible with it ? or all tags described in html5 or html4 are compatible ?

i just tested a few of those tags and they work excellent ...

I was born on the fourth day of december in 1982 and in next 19 days i am the member of

mapleprimes for exactly 4 years ...

i read about the history of maple , so i noticed it is as old as me :) lucky fo me !

then i interested to know whether is there any special event in the maple lifesplan on my birth day ?

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