
Mr. Fereydoon Shekofte

223 Reputation

12 Badges

15 years, 132 days

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I Wish To Become As Famous As Albert Einstein

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Fereydoon_Shekofte

   I admire all  the Maple developers and their team work spirit !

To be a mathematician demand the creed of Pythagoras ... Einstein that made millennium. names for humanity !

Unlike the Stefan wolfram that prefered marketing rather than the Creed of a real Mathematician !

he assuming himself as a prophet like Moses and wrote huge book as Tora and all the rest of mankid must obey the only ten commandments he manage ...




@one man 
if i don't speak so foolish !
i guess your model can be extended so that it simulate a wheel that find its path in a weary road ?
somthing related to tires movment physics !

welcome and nice subject

thanks a lot !
it is so interesting for me !!!

Thanks a lot for your valuable solutions !

The collection of works you published here are prototypes for advanced facilities !

@Markiyan Hirnyk 

Sir i just found some animation like the one i showed but there was not mathematical definition for the animations ! So i can't understand what geometry they made of ?

My purpose is the formula for curvature?

I hope if i did something wrong or offtopic you awarn me on it ?

Many respects !

@Markiyan Hirnyk 

Sorry ! Now by two answers of MaplePrimes mathematicians i able to find the right way !

@Thomas Richard 
they are really wonderful structures !
your sincerely Shekofte

indeed i am not a professional !
but i was so interested in concept of Gömböc shapes !
but thanks a lot for your help to disambiguate my question !


But the stack exchange is a good intersection between maple users and those people that just looking for solving mathematics problems by computer and most of them don't use maple ! And they will not join MaplePrimes at all !

Also the strong reputation system of stackexchsang will interest a good population there.  As well as couraging maple users in  competition g

I wish maple become available there as soon as possible 

nice going one man

@Rouben Rostamian  

thanks a lot for your accompany Mr Rostamian !
without your help i was too depressed on this problem !
yes as you mentioned i selected a bad coordinate for tilt angel !
now in this new worksheet i fixed and the formoula in this manner looks so much better !


Visualization of points of two circle intersection in 3d


Explore(plots[display](plots[spacecurve]({[sin(t)*cos(Latitude), cos(t)*cos(Latitude), sin(Latitude), color = red], [sin(t)*sin(tilt), cos(t), sin(t)*cos(tilt), color = blue]}, t = 0 .. 2*Pi, scaling = constrained, thickness = 4, labels = [x, y, Latitudez], labeldirections = [horizontal, horizontal, vertical], axes = frame), plottools[point]([sin(Latitude)*tan(tilt), cos(Latitude)*sqrt(1-(tan(Latitude)*tan(tilt))^2), sin(Latitude)], color = yellow, symbol = solidsphere, symbolsize = 30), plottools[point]([sin(Latitude)*tan(tilt), -cos(Latitude)*sqrt(1-(tan(Latitude)*tan(tilt))^2), sin(Latitude)], color = yellow, symbol = solidsphere, symbolsize = 30)), parameters = [tilt = 0 .. Pi, Latitude = -(1/3)*Pi .. (1/3)*Pi], initialvalues = [tilt = .409, Latitude = 0])

Arc length of day and night may calculated just by trigonometry functions ! (no radical)


If*the*Day = 2*arccos(tan(Latitude)*tan(tilt)) Then the Night=2*Pi-2*arccos(tan(Latitude)*tan(tilt))

Explore(plot(2*arccos(tan(Latitude)*tan(tilt)), Latitude = -(1/2)*Pi .. (1/2)*Pi, scaling = constrained, labels = [Latitude, "arc of night"], view = [-2 .. 2, 0 .. Pi]), parameters = [tilt = 0 .. (1/2)*Pi], initialvalues = [tilt = .409])

Plot of Day and Night ratio :

Explore(plot(arccos(tan(Latitude)*tan(tilt))/(Pi-arccos(tan(Latitude)*tan(tilt))), Latitude = -(1/2)*Pi .. (1/2)*Pi, scaling = constrained, labels = [Latitude, "ratio of day and night"], view = [-2 .. 2, 0 .. Pi]), parameters = [tilt = 0 .. (1/2)*Pi], initialvalues = [tilt = .409])



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