415 Reputation

4 Badges

7 years, 88 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by JAMET

point(A, xA, yA);
point(B, xB, yB);
point(C, xC, yC):
L3 := linestyle = 3
triangle(Tr, [A, B, C])
line(AP, [A, P]);
line(BP, [B, P]);
line(CP, [C, P]);
dr := draw([Tr(t3), AP(cbl, L3), BP(cbl, L3), CP(cbl, L3)]),
textplot([[coordinates(A)[], "A"], [coordinates(B)[], "B"], [coordinates(C)[], "C"]], align = {above, right});
display({dr, ellip}, scaling = constrained, axes = none, view = [-1 .. 14, -1 .. 11]);
Why doesn’t Maple show me the expected effect ? Thank you.

condi := [p1 + p2 + p3 = 1];
simplify(s, condi);
                  condi := [p1 + p2 + p3 = 1]

 /      c (-1 + p1 + p2)        c (-1 + p1 + p2)         
{ a = - ----------------, b = - ----------------,           c = c, 
 \             p1                               p2                

      c (p1 + p2) (-1 + p1 + p2)           c (p2 - 1)          c (p1 - 1)
  d = --------------------------,             e = ----------, f = ----------
                p1 p2                                       p1                 p2    


c := 10;
a := factor(simplify(a, condi));
b := factor(simplify(b, condi));
d := factor(simplify(d, condi));
e := factor(simplify(e, condi));
f := factor(simplify(f, condi));
                            c := 10

                             a := a

                             b := b

                             d := d

                             e := e

                             f := f

Why "factor" does not play its role ?   Thank you.

dr := draw([Tr(t3), AP(cbl), BP(cbl), CP(cbl)]),
textplot([coordinates(A)[], "A"], [coordinates(B)[], "B"], [coordinates(C)[], "C"], align = {above, right});
Error, (in plots:-textplot) unexpected options: [[0, 0, "B"], [13, 0, "C"]]
Why the coordinates are unrecognized ? Thank you.

xA := 4;
yA := 10;
xB := 0;
yB := 0;
xC := 13;
yC := 0;
Mat := matrix(3, 3, [xA, xB, xC, yA, yB, yC, 1, 1, 1]);
phi := (x, y) -> 1/Mat &x [x, y, z];
phi(4, 18/2);
phi(4, 10);
phi(13, 0);
Why the results are not calculated ? Thank you.

how to write the elements of the triangle of Pascal so that all 1 are aligned on a same vertical. Thank you.

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